Thursday, 13 December 2007
Traitorous Scum
Anyone who is now rejected for asylum will be able to appeal to the European court of justice in Strasbourg.
As well as costing us - the taxpayer - thousands it will also virtually guarantee (based on past history) that any failed asylum seeker will be given permission to remain in this country indefinitely.
This is 99% the same constitution (now strangely called a treaty, whatever that is) that the Labour party promised a referendum on when they were elected the last time around. And surprise, surprise we didn't get one.
Therefore proving themselves once again to be the set of lying B******s we all know they are.
Read the story here.
Friday, 28 September 2007
More Muslim on White racist attacks in Ravensthorpe
Answer: When they're Asian Muslims and the victims are white....
Apparently - according to Chief Inspector Jon Carter - they're a peer group!
Whatever one of those might be.
Two white men were attacked and robbed whilst out digging for bottles in woodland off Park Road in Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury by a gang of 30 Asians. The gang who call themselves the Ravey terror squad are responsible for a number of racist attacks on white people in the past 12 months or so.
Although when the Chief Inspector of Dewsbury police was asked by the Press about the attacks he was quick to come to the defence of the thugs and described them as a peer group that's become involved in crime and anti-social behaviour.
So that's ok then. Let's hope none of his friends of family have the misfortune of coming across this 'peer group' on a dark night.
It's absolutely disgraceful the disparity between the way the Police and the media deal with racist attacks on whites as opposed to when the peprpertrator is white.
Had this been a white gang of 30 men beating up an Asian it would have been on all the local news channels, in all the local papers with the Police bending over backwards to reassure the 'Community' and promising to do all they could to catch the perpetrators.
But as usual because the victim is white and we don't go out rioting when we have a grievance it doesn't seem to matter. Of course when the BNP mention such incidents we're making it up and exploiting peoples fears. The truth is we don't need to.
Perhaps if we started blocking off roads and the like when things don't go our way then maybe the Police would start protecting us in the same way that they currently reserve for immigrants.
Read the story here.
Monday, 24 September 2007
Our Sayeeda!
Our Sayeeda
Go on, admit it - it makes you feel proud, doesn’t it? Dead proud. Following in the footsteps of Betty Boothroyd, another Dewsbury lass has made it big in politics: Arise Baroness Warsi of
There must be summat in t’Dewsbury water – eh Sayeeda?
Crowned life peer by Dave hug-a-hoody Cameron for her services to (to what exactly)…, Baroness Warsi (sic) is now a member of the shadow cabinet with special responsibility for community cohesion. If anyone can mend our broken society Baroness Warsi can.
However it was a shame that Sayeeda opted for the tradesman’s entrance rather than putting herself to the test via a general election. But no doubt she’s still smarting from the hiding she got last time care of Shahid (the martyr) Malik, Dewsbury’s discredited Labour MP. Then again if you can march straight into office without bothering to go through the electoral process just because you know people in high places… networking comes naturally to Sayeeda. Well naturally!
But I get the feeling the baroness isn’t being straight with us. Although she implies that she made the decision not to stand, the reality is that local Tories told her that they’d stand a greater chance of winning the Dewsbury constituency if their candidate was white! Their argument was that “…Dewsbury and Mirfield voters did not want two ethnic minority candidates pitched against each other so soon after the bitter campaign of 2005.”
Presumably Sayeeda felt adequately compensated by Dave’s offer of a life peerage. So much for principle!
Interesting isn’t it that Sayeeda should go along with what is after all a ‘racist analysis’ for it suggests that white voters vote according to the race of the candidate. Yet our Sayeeda makes great play of her forthrightness. True to her
The Baroness is “…bursting with ideas on how to bring together communities,” but curiously she doesn’t tell us what those ideas are. My guess is she’s planning coffee and (halal) cakes mornings at the Markazi mosque in
But exactly what sort of a Conservative is Sayeeda? What exactly is it that she wants to conserve?
”Sayeeda has always been politically involved from her early college days when she was elected as the Vice President of the Student Union. She was
also instrumental in the launch of Operation Black Vote in West Yorkshire in 1996.
She has always had a keen interest in racial justice issues. For many years she
was an executive member of the Kirklees Racial Equality Council. She is also a
member of the extreme left wing Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust's Racial Justice Committee and regularly represents them at national conferences.
Sayeeda was born in Dewsbury in 1971 and was educated at Birkdale High School
and Dewsbury College, and then the University of Leeds where she read Law (LLB).
She attended the York College of Law to complete her Legal Practice Course and
trained both with the Crown Prosecution Service and the Home Office Immigration Department. Prior to her elevation to the Lords she was an immigration lawyer helping her fellow immigrants to secure their 'rightful' presence in our country.”
And according to an article she penned for the Asian newspaper Awaaz, Sayeeda argued that the tightening of anti-terrorist legislation has turned Britain into a ‘police state’. She went on to say that the anti-terror proposals were, “…enough to tip any normal young man into the reals of a radicalised fanatic.” It’s not their fault that they want to murder ordinary British people in their pursuit of a world-wide Islamic state, it’s our fault for opposing them.
Some Tory eh?
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Markazi mosque
The group's ultimate aim- according to a 'shocked' Times reporter - is to convert the country and ultimately the world to Islam - not exactly a revelation bearing in mind that spreading the word of Islam , by force if necessary is what required of all 'good' Muslims and is sanctioned by Allah in black and white in their Holy book - The Koran.
No wonder Shahid Malik is so keen to try to shut the Press newspaper down which leads us to our next story regarding the front page lead which refers to Malik's decision to sue the Press newspaper because they printed a letter from Jonathan Scott the then prospective Conservative candidate for Dewsbury South who claimed in the letter to have been racially threatened by Malik's entourage outside a polling station.
Despite the letter appearing in the Labour supporting, arse licking Dewsbury Reporter as well as the Press Newspaper strangely enough only the Press are being sued in court.
Unfortunately for Malik even if he does manage to win this court case - which would be no surprise bearing in mind the political sympathies of most Judges - it can do him nothing but harm and will show his true colours and petty mindedness to those who voted for him the first time around.
Read the Editors comment here. (Scroll Down)
Read the story about Malik here
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Battlefield Tours
As I touched on last night, we at Kirklees Resistance have just returned from a tour of the First World War battlefields, graves and memorials on the Western Front of France and
Anyway it’s a fascinating and in places moving experience especially when you hear of the many instances of personal sacrifice. It also invokes a sense of anger when you realise that a lot of the death could have been avoided had it not been for the fact that the men were led basically by stubborn, public school educated idiots who weren’t officers because of any tactical expertise but because of the fact that were of the right breeding.
I wonder how many of the British soldiers who served in the
Anyone thinking of going who maybe wants to pay their respects to a relative as we did can go on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission site fill in the details of the relative and they will tell them the exact graveyard or memorial and plot where their relative is buried or commemorated.
Click here to go to the site
Monday, 10 September 2007
New postings soon
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
An incident occurred in a supermarket recently, when the following was
A Muslim woman dressed in a burkha (A black gown & face mask) was
standing with her shopping in a queue at the checkout. When it was her
turn to be served, and as she reached the cashier, she made a loud
remark about the British Flag lapel pin, which the female cashier was
wearing on her blouse. The cashier reached up and touched the pin and
said, "Yes, I always wear it proudly. My son serves abroad with the
forces and I wear it for him".
The Muslim woman then asked the cashier when she was going to stop
bombing and killing her countrymen, explaining that she was Iraqi. At
that point, a Gentleman standing in the queue stepped forward, and interrupted with a calm and gentle voice, and said to the Iraqi woman:
"Excuse me, but hundreds of thousands of men and women, just like this
ladies son have fought and sacrificed their lives so that people just
like YOU can stand here, in England, which is MY country and allow you
to blatantly accuse an innocent check-out cashier of bombing YOUR
countrymen". "It is my belief that if you were allowed to be as
outspoken as that in Iraq which you claim to be YOUR country, then we
wouldn't need to be fighting there today". "However - now that you have
learned how to speak out and criticize the English people who have
afforded you the protection of MY country, I will gladly pay the cost of
a ticket to help you pay your way back to Iraq". "When you get there,
and if you manage to survive for being as outspoken as what you are here
in England, then you should be able to help straighten out the mess
which YOUR Iraqi countrymen have got you into in the first place, which
appears to be the reason that you have come to MY country to avoid."
Apparently the queue cheered and applauded.
IF YOU AGREE... Pass this on to all of your proud British friends.
I just did...!!!
Monday, 3 September 2007
Reporter Comment
The problem with the Dewsbury Reporter/Batley News group is that they are run by self-serving people at the top, who seek to undermine genuine journalistic facts to promote their own political agenda.
I remember reading the 'unbiased' Dewsbury Reporter, 1 or 2 weeks before the 2007 local elections. What struck me was the Reporter has a weekly column that the newspaper invites people to be a columnist for a weekly edition.
This particular column, titled the 'last word'. In the last word, one week it contained drivel from the notorious Carl 'Muppett' sorry Morphett.
It certainly was the last word. Morphett and the Reporter made sure of it. They guaranteed that Morphett spouted the same multi-cultural clap-trap that you read in obnoxious, national newspapers like the Daily Mirror and the Guardian.
Shamefully, not one weekly edition of the Reporter had a column that printed views from BNP councillors Auty, Exley, Roberts or even prospective candidates for the BNP to be included in the last word, leading up to the elections.
Were the Reporter found guilty of denying their readers fair, political balance?
Yes, they were found guilty, and should have been sentenced for the crime of unfair, but biased political reporting that was to sabotage the integrity of the BNP.
Reporter readers had ONLY one version to read from the last word column, which was to read anti BNP, pro New Labour, multi-cultural tosh.
This ghastly specimen in Morphett, actively campaigns on a full-time basis against the BNP. Morphett is part of the bullying, thuggish fringe of the New Labour party.
The same party that issued BNP leader Nick Griffin to stand up in court, and defend himself for simply mouthing the words 'wicked and vicious' in a realistic observation on the medieval Islam that threatens civilisation in Britain.
The mentality of Morphett is to portray himself to be a champion of democracy, and to highlight woefully that the BNP have no solutions in Britain of today.
Morphett highlights that he champions fascism, because he campaigns against a legal, political party in the BNP.
I've got one word for Morphett, and that shall be: HYPOCRITE!!!
Sunday, 2 September 2007
The West in the 21st Century — Developed or Developing Nations?
The West in the 21st Century — Developed or Developing Nations?
Fjordman -
In the debate regarding how the relationship between the Old West, Europe, and the New West, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, will be in the 21st century, many observers seem to take for granted that much of Europe will fall to Islam, and that native Europeans will flee and resettle in the New West. There is, however, another scenario that is theoretically possible, but little discussed. What if the opposite happens? There are Europeans emigrating/fleeing to these nations already now, but I think they will discover once there that the problems they are fleeing from are already present in their new homelands. Some of them are even worse there, especially since many of those fleeing will be white, and they will discover that whites are rapidly diminishing as a factor in these countries and that hostility towards whites is rising.
I gave serious thought to emigrating to the USA or some other English-speaking country a couple of years ago. I don’t blame Europeans who do so, but for me personally, this seems like a less attractive proposition now than it was then. First of all because I believe there is still work to be done in Europe, and second of all because so far I can’t see that the countries of the New West are standing up to Muslims in a forceful way, either, with the possible exception of Australia. And finally, because I’m white, and the more I read about the situation in the USA, Canada and New Zealand the less I feel like moving there. Frankly, I’m not sure whether I see any future in being white in the USA. Maybe there is no point in moving from the Old West to the New West because most of our problems are shared for all Western nations. Indeed one could claim that the West is now recognized not so much by a shared civilizational legacy as by shared problems.
- - - - - - - - - -
We are definitely witnessing the end of the Western world order, as I’ve said before. That doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the West itself, although some pessimists do believe this, too. According to the blogger Conservative Swede, people of European origins will become the global Jews of the 21st century, moving around to whatever country will take them in, while Germany, Italy and Britain will be populated by Nigerians and Kurds:
- So what’s the future for people like me? Because even if I belong nowhere politically, I belong somewhere socially and ethnically. Well, the world is being homogenized. Tomorrow the whole world will be like the Third World. People like me, of European ethnicity, will have no home, no nation. We will live like the Jews as elites in other people’s nations (preferably a non-Muslim nation). This doesn’t scare me. The Jews have lived thusly for two thousand years. It’s a pity, but this is our destiny. This is what the Western Christians and liberals are working eagerly towards. This is what they are programmed to do. This is what they will achieve. I’ll let them have it. As an individual I cannot change this. The only thing I can do is to prepare myself for it. A good plan is to live as a ‘Jew’ in Catholic/Mestizo Latin America rather than a Muslim Europe, or the sinking Titanic of America. Even China looks like an option, in comparison.
There is some basis for claiming this, unfortunately. Our left-wing intellectuals love developing countries so much that they want us to become developing countries, too, a new form of rehashed global Communism. I recently read a column in Al-Guardian by Timothy Garton Ash, who also loves the European Union, hailing Brazil as the model for the future, where we are all merged into just one race, the human race. Multinational corporations want to erase borders to create one big world of capital, goods and consumers, and I’m pretty sure some members of our political elites are envious of the corrupt plutocrats ruling many Third Word nations.
Still, I think it’s a tad too pessimistic to resign to the inevitability of this scenario. Some countries will resist, perhaps successfully, and I’m not necessarily sure the English-speaking countries will come out on top. It has become custom in segments of the English-speaking blogosphere to bash the countries of continental Europe. Some of this is justified. France has led the creation of the EU, Eurabia and the European appeasement of Arabs, and they deserved to be bashed for it. However, if you look closely at the ideology of Multiculturalism, as I have done for some time now, you will notice that it wasn’t spread by France, where the ideal was never Multiculturalism but the assimilation of all groups equally into the secular French Republic. Not that that alternative worked out too well, either.
On the contrary, some writers such as Paul Gottfried have convincingly argued that Multiculturalism and identity politics, which are now eating away at the body of what once was Western civilization, were spread from the English-speaking countries, especially from the United States. This makes sense once you notice that the much-vaunted Anglosphere in fact leads the West in self-destruction. Canada is a Multicultural basket case, as is New Zealand. Britain, in particular England, the cradle of the Anglosphere, is one of the worst — some say the worst — countries in Western Europe, which leaves Australia and segments within the USA resisting their demise. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Canada and New Zealand cease being recognizably Western within this century, and the USA being divided into several countries, including perhaps one predominantly white nation incorporating parts of Canada. Australia could stand a better chance of pulling through, but we should remember that it is a demographically vulnerable nation that is geographically merely an extension of Asia.
I’m not sure whether most of Europe, even all of Western Europe, will fall to Islam in the end. Worst case scenario: Muslims will create several smaller Pakistans or Kosovos, for instance one stretching from parts of France via Belgium to the Netherlands, one in regions of England and another one in southern Sweden. The situation in France and England is difficult to predict. France does seem set to become a Muslim country by now, but it is also a nation with an unpredictable revolutionary legacy. England sometimes appears lost, but my gut feeling tells me that there is still some residue left of the old warrior spirit there, which means that they will put up a fight at some point. France and Britain now both face the choice between becoming Islamic or engage in devastating civil wars. This could, ironically, lead to the rise of Germany as the pre-eminent European power. The Germans have significant problems with immigration, too, as do pretty much all Western countries these days, but they are nowhere near as bad as those of the French and the British.
If the Anglosphere implodes in this century due to the Multicultural ideology that it has been promoting and championing, this leaves the possibility that some people of European origins in the New West will flee back to the newly liberated nations of Free Europe. On the global scale, the Sino-American rivalry predicted by many now could fail to materialize. Not necessarily because China won’t be strong enough to rival the US, but because the US — or whatever remains of the US at that point — won’t be strong enough to rival China.
Finally, one comment from Mikhail Paul:
- I have a mix of extreme pessimism and cautious optimism about the West. North America and England are already gone, as is New Zealand and pockets of Scandinavia— well in the process of demographic race replacement that’s irreversible at this point. But part of Europe is holding its own, especially the German lands, Finland, Denmark and Iceland, and (to my surprise) France, Spain, Portugal and Italy also coming through this. Belgium and the Netherlands could go either way, but seem now to be inclining more toward the self-preservationist tendencies of Finland and Germany rather than the PC self-destruction plan of North America and England. An independent Scotland and Wales may also join in, as will Ireland— Celtic languages like Irish Gaelic, Welsh and Scottish Gaelic, all but moribund today, will likely rebound, as these will be all that’s left of Britain as a Western nation. We do live in interesting times to say the very least.
We certainly do. Whatever the end result will be of this process, with Iraqis moving to Sweden and Swedes to Latin America, Chinese moving to Britain and Britons to Australia, Turks moving to Germany and Germans to the Unites States it is bound to be unsettling for a long time to come. Maybe I should move somewhere quiet to watch the whole mess from a distance, somewhere the masses won’t follow. What about Antarctica? Fjordman is a noted Norwegian blogger who has written for many conservative web sites. He used to have his own Fjordman Blog in the past, but it is no longer active.
Saturday, 1 September 2007
The Forgotten Holocaust
In 1915 as the first world war raged in Europe the Ottoman Turks seized the opportunity that the turmoil of war gave them and set out to eradicate the Armenian people from 'their' land.
One and a half million Armenians were tortured and eventually murdered in an orchestrated genocide the details of which are almost too sickening to think about. Their crime? Being Christian in a Muslim land.
Even to this day the Turks won't acknowledge the genocide.
A warning for all of us in Europe.
Wake up vote BNP
Read the full story here
Friday, 31 August 2007
Reporter Group Newspapers in decline
In the first 6 months of the year sales were down 7.6 per cent to 12,005 copies per week.
The Reporter's sister paper - the Batley News - has seen a similar decline with sales down 4.2 per cent to below 9,000 copies per week.
And long may it continue!
Finally local people are seeing the Reporter group for what they are and voting with their feet.
For years the only papers in the area was provided by the Labour supporting Reporter Group and for years we had their unique take on the news. We were presented - not with a cross section of local news, relevant to the area but a distorted, selective reporting of the news designed to fit in with their Liberal sensibilities
For example any letter that was anti immigration or anti multi culturalism was simply not printed, whereas pro ones would be printed every time. Asian on White racist attacks were deemed 'not newsworthy' and ignored but White on Asian crime would be front page news.
Then along came a new kid on the block - The Press.
The Press newspaper was started in 2001 by Danny Lockwood an ex Reporter editor and from the beginning was like a breath of fresh air and continues to go from strength to strength. Rather than having a political agenda, it reported and continues to report on all the news and presents views from all ends of the political spectrum regardless of who may object.
The local Labour career politicians absolutely hate the newspaper because of its impartial stance.
MP for Batley Mike Wood in his usual mature, adult manner refuses to speak to them at all and the Dewsbury Labour MP Shahid Malik is currently in the process of suing them for their reporting of an incident in Savile Town, where Jonathan Scott the Tory candidate for Dewsbury South was threatened by local Muslim youths at the 2006 local elections.
How New Labour despise the truth!
And they're not alone. When the Press printed an interview with local organiser Nick Cass one of the Kirklees Unity (an anti BNP group) members, a one Terry McKay (who stinks by the way) was so incensed that he threatened to burn down their offices.
So not only are more and more local people voting BNP, more and more of them are seeing through and rejecting the lies and distorted PC nonsense spewed out by the likes of the Reporter group.
And long may it continue.
Read the Press here
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Green belt land to be built on
Bearing in mind that the native population of this land is falling with deaths far outstripping births one wonders how our population is 'soaring'.
We don't need more houses what we need is LESS people. Any ideas how we can achieve that?
Answers on a postcard.
Vote BNP.
Read the story here
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Notting Hill crime fest ends in violence - again!
Well the Notting Hill crime fest has certainly lived up to expectations! Yesterday the BNP website reported that up until midnight on Sunday that the official crime tally was: 3 people arrested for attempted murder, 3 people arrested for possession of firearms, a further 4 arrested for a crime involving a firearm and 124 criminal incidents reported that resulted in a total of 104 arrests.
To that tally we can now add Monday’s “bag” – which includes 2 people shot, several people (3?) stabbed, a mini riot and scores more arrests!
According to the media the number of people arrested during the three day “festival” was between 206 and 220 – dependent upon which report you read. And that’s with the Metropolitan Police allegedly turning a blind eye to low level crime for fear of “sparking an incident”! In total the number of REPORTED criminal incidents during the “festival” is said to be 336. What the real number of crimes were, as opposed to the minority officially notified to police, remains anyone’s guess.
It is hard to imagine what sort of event could generate such high levels of violence and general criminality. Even a major riot between opposing armies of football hooligans would not result in so many arrests and serious criminal offences. We are indeed lucky there were no fatalities this year!
So why do the authorities tolerate the annual Notting Hill crime fest? Why aren’t outraged politicians tabling motions of condemnation in The House? The answer is simple – they dare not oppose it for fear of the consequences!
Monday, 27 August 2007
November Bank Holiday?
Kath Stanley of the 'Public Policy Research' a Marxist think tank which advises the Government says:
'We need a day when people give something back to their communities and celebrate the diversity and pluralism of modern Britain'.
In other words a day off to allow them to ram 'multi culturalism' and 'diversity' and other unwelcome additions and dilutions of our once great nation down our throats.
You can imagine the BBC TV programming schedule for the day.
It'd be all about what terrible, nasty people whites are and would be dominated by programs about slavery, how black crime and failure is white people's fault, Steven Lawrence, how we're all wrong about Islam and how it's such a cuddly, touchy feely type religion that would be favoured by kittens. Then they'd wheel on the obligatory white apologist such as Ken Livingstone, blubbing for white people's sins and begging some black such as Jessie Jackson (who used to spit in white people hamburgers when he worked in a fast food take away) for forgiveness.
You get the picture, the BBC execs would be orgasmic at the very thought of it.
Well no thank you, you can stick your bank holiday where the sun doesn't shine (and it never does especially in November). We and millions of other fellow Brits don't need a bank holiday to remind us what it means to be British, we live and breath it every day. It's New Labour traitors who appear to have forgot or rather are trying to forget what it means to be British by doing their utmost to turn our once great nation into a third world slum, such is their contempt for us and all things British.
And why put it on the day after Remembrance Sunday? Is it some attempt to overshadow the sacrifices given by British soldiers around the globe?
What do you think?
Obviously remembering the nations war dead who died so that the likes of New Labour would have the freedoms they so abuse today, is far too hideously white for their sensibilities so they attempt to sweep it under the carpet with the rest of Britain's history that they seem to be so ashamed of.
Another Bank Holiday would be nice but not to celebrate something that the British people never asked for and never wanted. No way.
Read the story here.
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Best market in the land?
Anyone who lives in or has had the dubious pleasure of visiting Dewsbury will know that the town centre is an awful, dirty, threatening place and that the market in particular resembles a third world bartering den that basically sells tat, so it came as quite a shock when it was voted ‘best outdoor market in the country’ a decision that probably owes more to it ticking the right boxes with regard to racial 'make up' and 'diversity' in today’s increasingly politically correct, totalitarian climate - rather than it having anyting to do with such petty considerations as selling anything useful or any traditionally British produce and goods that British markets were once famous for.
Anyway it would appear I’m not the only one to have such heretical thoughts and opinions as these three letters from the local newspaper the Press show.
The following letter was originally printed in last weeks edition of the Press the other two were in this weeks.
From: Wendy Senior, Dewsbury
Dear Sir,
This is the last straw! The only decent store we have leaving Dewsbury after almost 100 years trading there.
Kirklees Council are at fault for this. Look at the shops gone from Dewsbury: Co-op, Bickers, Hudsons and Strawberry Fair. Also five cinemas and a theatre – the lovely Empire.
Then there was our hospital, paid for by Dewsbury businessmen, pulled down and houses built on the land.
Look at Huddersfield; compare it with Dewsbury. Where is our Council Tax going?
Dewsbury was such a lovely town; now we have a market resembling Bangladesh, women in burkhas and men in pyjamas. Ravensthorpe and Savile Town have problems with Iraqis and Pakistanis. Who is putting them there?
Dewsbury Hospital is being down-graded by Pontefract and Pinderfields Hospitals taking money intended for Dewsbury.
Why do Dewsbury people have to pay exorbitant parking charges when Batley, Mirfield and Heckmondwike car parks are free?
So, what do we do about this... nothing?
Or do we make a fuss. I will be outside Marks & Spencer on Wednesday August 22 from 11am collecting signatures to save our store.
Also, a petition to leave Kirklees and return to our own council. This is the only way to save Dewsbury.
Any offers of help will be welcome.
From: Mr RL Rowbottom, Dewsbury
Dear Sir,
I agree entirely with the views of Wendy Senior describing the state of Dewsbury and the description of Dewsbury market resembling Bangladesh.
I cannot think of any town within a 30-mile radius offering as little as Dewsbury does and I do not blame Marks & Spencer for leaving a sinking ship. I can’t imagine any reputable business ever wanting to move to Dewsbury.
I cannot understand how the market was voted ‘best outdoor market in the country’ compared to those such as Barnsley which is a far more traditional English market. I also can’t believe anyone who visits by coach trip will ever want to come again.
Regarding the burkha, can anyone explain why they are more prominent in the town centre and Savile Town as opposed to Ravensthorpe?
On a recent holiday in Tunisia – it has a with a 95 per cent plus Muslim population – the occupants of the nearby city were dressed more Westernised than you see in Dewsbury, and there was not one burkha in sight.
I do not think I would last long if I wore a white hood with just my eyes visible.
I am now retired and was born and bred in Dewsbury and have enjoyed many good times before the bad publicity arrived, and, I am sorry to say, that I now find this town the absolute pits.
From: Name and address supplied
Dear Sir,
Why the big fuss about Marks & Spencer quitting Dewsbury? It’s not that much of a shock, is it?
They’re only doing what a growing number of Dewsbury’s original inhabitants are contemplating. I’ve lived the majority of my life within four or five miles of Dewsbury town centre but it’s somewhere I avoid these days.
In fact the last time I visited was at Christmas to do a bit of last minute shopping, and I vowed at the time that I’d not visit the place again. I had the kids with me and they’ve not been since either.
My wife hasn’t been to the market for years and on the rare occasions she does go to Dewsbury she restricts herself to Sainsbury’s. Our experience is that we feel alienated in our own town. We feel we don’t belong any more.
Dewsbury is in the process of becoming a foreign country and, like Marks & Spencer, our intention is to quit the area as soon as we can.
According to council leader Robert Light, £80 million has been ‘invested’ in Dewsbury, and that may be so, but it’s still a tatty, alienating place and my guess is it will only get worse
Leo McKinstry in the Express
FREEDOM of speech is one of the cornerstones of our democracy.
The open exchange of views and the expression of controversial opinions are bulwarks against tyranny.
Yet the British tradition of liberty is now increasingly under threat because of the state’s cowardly policy of trying to appease radical Islam.
In the name of promoting a spirit of tolerance, our civic institutions have become ruthlessly intolerant of anyone who dares to challenge some of the most repellent features of hardline Islamism, such as misogyny, the contempt for human rights and the resort to violence for political ends.
Blanket accusations of racism are regularly used to suppress debate about the problems caused by Islam.
Britain fought the last war against an anti-semitic, book-burning, totalitarian regime. Yet in a bizarre twist, the modern British Government now acts as the guardian of those Muslims who want to see an Islamic version of just such a regime in this country. In a monstrous inversion of our values, those seeking to uphold our freedoms against Muslim fundamentalism are now the target of state repression.
Our police are turning into political commissars |
Perhaps the most worrying recent example of this trend was the outrageous conduct of the West Midlands police over a Channel 4 investigation into extremism within Birmingham’s mosques – Undercover Mosque. Anyone watching the programme would have been appalled at some of the sentiments of the Muslim clerics.
One preacher, referring to his eagerness to see British soldiers killed in Afghanistan, said that “the hero is the one who separated his head from his shoulders”. Another called for homosexuals to be “thrown off the mountain”, while a third believed that Jews will be killed at the end of time, accompanying his forecast with a snorting noise like that of a pig.
Patani, one of the new breed of police chiefs seemingly more interested in social engineering than in protecting the public, claimed that the producers had deliberately quoted the Muslim clerics “out of context” to suit an Islamophobic agenda. The West Midlands police, he said, had pursued Channel 4 “with as much rigour as the extremism portrayed within the documentary itself”.
Since when was it the job of the police to sit in judgment on TV productions, acting as a political censor? Is the West Midlands so free of crime that police can look through hours of TV footage, deciding whether a television company has shown sufficient obedience to the new doctrine of anti-racism?
Mr Patani was effectively exploiting the current row over TV fakery, suggesting that the investigation into the mosques was just another distorted documentary, like the BBC’s notorious programme about the Queen, in which editing of the footage appeared to show Her Majesty storming out of a photoshoot when in reality nothing of the sort happened.
In fact there is no evidence that Channel 4 was guilty of any kind of manipulation. None of the participants complained about the programme, nor was there any denial of a right of reply.
This controversy only shows the disastrous influence of the Marxist creed of political correctness, where the police have become so neurotic about Islamophobia that they have turned themselves into political commissars.
This worrying pattern can be seen in so many other areas. Only this weekend it emerged that the BBC had decided to rewrite an episode of the popular hospital drama Casualty because it feared the original storyline, about an Islamist suicide bombing at a bus station, might offend Muslim sensibilities. So the BBC replaced it with one about carnage perpetrated by animal rights activists.
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Anti-Islamist Rally Banned in Brussels
An eagerly awaited public rally was to take place in Brussels – the capital of the European Union – on September 11 of this year. Called ‘Against Islamisation of Europe,’ its intent was to protest the spreading of Islamic sharia law across the European continent and honour by a minute of silence the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks.
The event was being organized by SIOE (Stop the Islamisation of Europe), an alliance of people from across Europe whose objective is to prevent Islam from ‘becoming a dominant political force in Europe.’ Concerned about the Muslim subversion of the continent’s cultures and institutions, SIOE’s has this to say about Islam:
No other religion demands more from those who do not adhere to its doctrine. This would not be a problem if our leaders actually stood up for Western values and insisted that Muslims live within our laws and accepted our cultures and social systems. Instead, it is we who are told we must abandon our values, cultures and societies in order not to offend Muslims. It is Islam that is being rammed down our throats and the throats of our children. It is not only in the West that Islam is causing misery and mayhem. All around the world Islam is battling the “infidels”.
In a clear sign of public support for the planned demonstration, 20,000 people from across Europe have pledged their participation.But now it looks the event will not be allowed to proceed. On August 13, Brussels’ Mayor Freddy Thielemans, a socialist, made the decision not to issue a permit for the march.
The Mayor’s decision is a very unusual one, because Brussels is known as a demonstration friendly city. In fact, it is the demonstration capital of the world with two or three events taking place on average every day. In the last six years alone, the Mayor’s office has received 3,600 requests for public protest permits of which only 6 have been denied.
But the Mayor is trying to do more than just stop people from voicing their concerns about the ongoing Islamization of their culture. This is what he wrote on August 20 in an op-ed piece in the Belgian newspaper De Standaard:
First and foremost the organizers have chosen the symbolic date of 9/11. The intention is obviously to confound the terrorist activities of Muslim extremists on the one hand and Islam as a religion and all Muslims on the other hand. […] Such incitement to discrimination and hatred, which we usually call racism and xenophobia, is forbidden by a considerable number of international treaties and is punished by our penal laws and by European legislation. The European Court of Human Rights has repeatedly pronounced judgments condemning this type of acts.
In what is a truly surreal development, a European public official calls those concerned about the encroachment of Islam on their life extremists and threatens criminal prosecution if they don’t desist.
The Mayor’s concern about extremism is very selective, however. In December of 2004, for example, he allowed a demonstration to proceed where more than 20,000 Iranians protested against the inclusion of People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran in EU's list of terrorist organizations. This is how this group was once described by the US Department of State:
The Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), a leftist revolutionary group, was formed in 1963. Its founding principles included the creation of a Marxist-oriented Islamic government in Iran; opposition to 'imperialism' as supposedly embodied by the United States; opposition to Zionism and Israel; and a close affinity to Third World radical movements. […] To achieve its political objectives, the MEK almost from its inception has engaged in acts of terrorism and violence; the organization was responsible for fatal attacks on several Americans in Iran in the 1970s.
Not only was the demonstration allowed to go on – it took place in front of the EU’s headquarters – it received extensive official backing. Numerous speeches were made by European parliamentarians and various public personalities seeking to remove the group’s terror designation.This makes for a remarkable situation: In the EU capital, Iranian Muslims are allowed to show their solidarity with a questionable organization while native citizens are being turned into criminals for seeking to voice their concerns about the unfolding Islamic takeover of their lands.
To add insult to injury, on the very day the organizers of the 9/11 rally were protesting the decision to block the event, Mayor Thielemans approved a permit for another demonstration to take place on September 9. Organized by an alliance of ‘various truth, peace and human right movements in Europe’ calling themselves United for Truth, they claim that the 9/11 attacks were staged by the Bush administration with possible support from some European governments. A message posted on their website on July 30 reads in part:Recently the French Minister for Housing and the City Mme Christine Boutin expressed her doubts about the official 9/11 report. Before, Michael Meacher, secretary of state in Britain and Andreas Von Bulow, ex Minister from Germany, stated clearly that 9/11 and the war on terror are orchestrated by the Bush administration. Prof. David Ray Griffin held on September 14th, 2006 a lecture ('Should the truth be revealed or concealed') in Copenhagen. In this lecture he asked for a European investigation to the facts of September 11, 2001. To make this demand stronger, the United for truth organization in Belgium is organizing a European protest rally through Brussels. […] They [protesters] agree the 9/11 attacks and other terrorist acts, no matter if they were carried out by some so-called Afghan cavemen or by the governments themselves, inflicted the current policy of fear.
It is hard to believe that in Europe Muslims and far-left radicals are allowed to march in support of their causes and inane theories while those concerned about the ongoing disintegration of their societies are not only being silenced but threatened with legal action.
The controversy surrounding the planned 9/11 rally in Brussels is emblematic of Europe’s rapid descent into madness. Today Europe is a place where things are turned upside down and where common sense is not only commonly disregarded but actively suppressed.
Having lost both its sense of identity and sanity, Europe stands on the brink of being overtaken by Muslims who may well be able to claim their prize without so much as a fight. Brussels’ socialist Mayor Freddy Thielemans is only one of many among Europe’s leftist elites who are not only willing to capitulate to the barbarian invaders of our age but are actively facilitating their progress. America better take heed, for these are the very people its own liberals admire and in whose steps they would like to follow.
Friday, 24 August 2007
The truth behind Marks and Spencers move from Dewsbury
Story here
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Send this animal back
Despite the fact he wasn't born in this country, has abused our hospitality and commited the worst crime possible - that of murder - the judges refuse to return him to the country of his birth.
By the same token would they agree that it would be unfair to grant asylum to anyone who doesn't speak English? What do you think?
The truth of the matter is that the Judiciary is run by lefty idiots who take a perverse delight in going against common sense and the wishes of the majority and who totally ignore the human rights of the population at large to live in peace by favouring the rights of people who have no rights to be here.
The sooner we get rid of the human rights act and the idiots who interpret them the better.
A BNP Government would pull out of the EU and re write the human rights act to put the needs of the law abiding majority in front of criminals. Although in this case had the BNP been in Government there would have been no need for a tribunal as Chindamo would have swung from the end of a noose.
Read the story here
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
New Pat Condell video
Thursday, 16 August 2007
The Deep Crisis of the West
The piece I've cut and pasted below is from a website called which is dedicated to the art of thinking honestly and is an excellent analysis of the state of European society, what is required for a society to work and the present state of European society which is far from being the nirvana the ruling class would have us believe and is more likely a society on the brink.
Although a bit long winded it's well worth the read
This article was published by HonestThinking on 19 May 2007.
For the record: What follows is a translated and considerably expanded version (approximately double size) of an article that was originally published in the Norwegian daily Klassekampen on 5 December 2006 (see Europas dype krise). It has caused a bit of debate among Norwegian intellectuals, but no one has yet challenged the basic assumptions upon which it rests.
The deep crisis of the West
By Ole Jørgen Anfindsen, Oslo, Norway
editor, HonestThinking (ole at
Sometimes we make things too complicated. This article is an attempt at explaining, using as few words as possible, why Europe in particular, and the entire Western world in general, is in a deep crisis. This explanation will be followed by a brief discussion of some possible objections, after which several sobering facts and quotes are provided. The article is wrapped up with some concluding thoughts and remarks.
My pessimism on behalf of the Western civilization rests on the following simple observation: Somewhere, somehow, there has to be a limit to the amount of diversity a society can handle without becoming dysfunctional.
I am not pretending to know exactly where this limit is; I am merely claiming that such a limit must necessarily exist. With this as our basic assumption, we may reason as follows.
Theory and discussion
First, it is indeed possible to list the most important factors that could potentially make a society dysfunctional. At the very least they include language, culture, religion, and ethnicity. Carefully note the qualification in the first sentence of this paragraph; the just mentioned factors will not necessarily create problems, but they all have the potential to do so. Differences in these four areas are examples of what we may call essential differences, i.e., differences that cannot be allowed to grow without bounds if society is to remain healthy. This is so because these factors are strongly connected with our sense of identity, belonging, and loyalty; the kind of stuff without which no society can function.
Second, any society’s ability to handle essential differences will vary with time. For example, a society with an expanding economy will temporarily have larger tolerance in these areas. Given that economic growth cannot continue indefinitely, Western societies’ ability to deal with essential differences is sooner or later bound to be reduced.
Third, whenever a society exceeds its limits concerning the amount of essential differences it is able to handle, some kinds of forces will – necessarily – come into play in that society and restore a sufficient degree of unity (*).
How is this going to affect Europe in the coming decades? The options appear to be pretty draconian:
· Some groups of people will have foreign languages, cultures, and/or religions forced upon them.
· People from different groups will move away from each other.
· People from different groups will kill each other.
The end result of this process is likely to fall into three main categories, although hybrid scenarios are also possible:
· Europe could be split up along dividing lines of language, culture, ethnicity or religion, not unlike what happened when Yugoslavia disintegrated.
· Europe could be taken over or become dominated by immigrants.
· Immigrants could be forced to leave Europe or in other ways lose their influence.
It can hardly be denied that the level of diversity is steadily increasing in all nations currently taking part in the multicultural project. I have yet to see any suggestion by anyone as to how we are going to avoid reaching the above mentioned critical limit.
One possible objection to the above line of reasoning is that diversity is a strength, not a liability. Such an objection misses a crucial point, however. Granted, too little diversity can certainly be problem, but so can too much. There are virtually infinite numbers of real life phenomena that have this kind of property; you need a certain amount of the stuff in question, but hardly ever is it simply a matter of having as much as possible.
Diversity within human societies is no exception to this rule. As soon as such diversity grows above the limit of that which is useful and healthy, one is going to see symptoms such as the development of parallel societies within the larger society, lack of communication and mutual understanding due to different languages, incompatible worldviews, conflicting values, and so on and so forth.
A few steps further down the line the proper functioning of democracy will be hindered by citizens voting for candidates who represent their particular religion, ethnic group, or language, rather than voting for candidates with the better political program. If diversity continues to grow without bounds, sooner or later the society in question will become dysfunctional.
Tragically, these things are occurring before our very eyes here in Europe. Still, academia and the media are only moderately concerned, and the vast majority of our politicians appear to be pretty much clueless as to what could or should be done about this.
Interestingly enough, while the public is regularly brainwashed with slogans like “diversity is our strength”, diversity of opinion on issues related to multiculturalism is not always appreciated, to put it mildly. On the contrary, the ruling elite is still putting serious effort into preventing true, profound, rational, and informed discussion of these painful issues.
The result is an intellectually numbing consensus culture that makes sure we all march to the same tune of diversity. Diversity, that is, in those areas where our elites have decided that diversity is A Good Thing, but uniformity, conformity, and political correctness elsewhere. Europe is, simply put, in deep intellectual trouble, which in turn is bound to cause political trouble.
Current trends in Europe
Let’s elaborate on these issues by having a look at some sobering facts from the Netherlands, Great Britain, and France.
According to statistics published in November 2006 by the Norwegian daily Klassekampen, 119.275 people chose to leave the Netherlands in 2005 while 92.297 entered the country that year. The majority of those who left were ethnic Dutch, while the majority of the newcomers were non-Westerners entering through family reunion. This process has been going on for several years now and is expected to grow stronger in the future.
In March 2006 the Dutch intelligence organization AIVD published a report called Violent Jihad in the Netherlands. The report addressed the fact that in spite of formidable attempts to stem the developments, the radicalization of young Muslims continued unimpeded. AIVD warns that if the current trends continue, the Dutch society might be headed for disintegration.
In June 2006 The Sunday Times reported that one of Great Britain’s most experienced military strategists, Rear Admiral Chris Parry, warned that the currently ongoing demographic development represents a threat to the West comparable to what made the Roman Empire collapse. We are simply unable to integrate, much less assimilate, the increasing flow of immigrants that are coming to Europe.
In France the situation is already particularly serious. Suburban violence and rioting is so common that it is no longer considered news, and therefore largely ignored by the media. But whoever looks into the general situation concerning integration of non-Western immigrants in Europe, will find that the situation is quite scary in other places too. Pertinent issues include lack of discipline and associated learning-problems in schools, growing levels of violence and crime in large cities, more and more ethnic Europeans finding it difficult to live in a huge numbers of suburbs and other areas, and also an increase in the assaults and harassment of Jews.
Refusing to face reality
On the international scene there is a steady flow of articles and books predicting the downfall of Europe, which creates a rather interesting situation. On the one hand a number of experts and intellectuals do their best to warn of impending catastrophes. On the other hand the ruling elite insist that all is well. Reference Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg who in March 2006 wrote the following in the periodical Samtiden: “The last twenty years have probably been the most successful in the history of mankind. The world is making progress, and the pessimists are wrong.”
It’s about time we replaced cheap propaganda with serious analysis. Is it the case or not that the above mentioned essential differences are growing out of control in Europe these days? What, if anything, is going to stop this growth? As far as I can tell, this can only come about if we rethink our entire immigration regime, but most of our politicians, as well as large portions of media and academia, seem to vehemently reject any such proposition.
The adherents of the multicultural project seem determined to ensure that their political Titanic continues full steam ahead, no matter what the future cost in terms of human lives and societal breakdown. These people deserve to be labeled multicynical.
Europe has not been in such dire straits since Hitler’s madness covered our continent in darkness. Whose fault is that? The primary responsibility rests upon naïve, cowardly, power-hungry, and/or arrogant politicians. And in no small part it rests upon media and academia, large portions of which continue to idealize the situation and quench democratic debate.
Every now and then some of the top politicians in Europe, for example Tony Blair, will utter tough words about immigration, integration, Western values, the death of the multicultural ideology, or something like that. However, unless and until they demonstrate in practice that they are prepared to follow through with measures that could actually make a difference, I suspect these are just empty words from incompetents with no real plan of action. Less likely, but not entirely unthinkable, these are words from cynical people trying to hide their real intentions.
We are, at increasing speed, headed for problems of unprecedented magnitude. Closing our eyes and hoping for the best until it is too late, is probably the worst possible strategy. Unless the problems are soon acknowledged, and serious efforts made to find viable solutions, it is probably just a matter of time before untold numbers of Europeans will follow the Dutch example, and look for an emergency exit. Indeed, more and more of Germans and Britons are already doing so. Such a migration pattern can only continue for a certain period of time before it becomes self enforcing, in which case Europe’s fate will be sealed. Any morally responsible person owes it both to immigrants and Europeans to try to prevent such a scenario.
This article is obviously written from a European perspective. However, the wishful thinking, the utopian visions, and the intellectual dishonesty that is well on its way to destroy Europe, is rampant in the rest of the Western world as well, not least in academia and media, the influences of which should not be underestimated. The situation in the USA and the rest of the Western world may not be as bad as in Europe, but the same processes that are eroding the foundations of civilized society here, seem to be busily at work there as well. In particular there is reason to be concerned that the USA will become seriously weakened or even torn apart by internal tensions that are already visible for the whole world to see.
Islamists are very much aware of this. They understand perfectly well that our diversity is their strength. Even so, many conservatives still see Islamism as our only enemy, failing to see the even larger threat coming from within.
Unless we strengthen our efforts to wake up the general public to the challenges we are facing; unless we manage to break the yoke of politically correct thinking; unless we honestly confront reality in all areas that are crucial for a well-functioning society (no matter how painful the truth may be); the entire Western world could crumble before the end of this century. Actually, I think it might possibly happen within our lifetimes. With the added qualification, of course, that many of us will cease to be alive once these processes really get going.
(*) Footnote: This sentence is not meant to preclude the possibility that a "sufficient degree of unity" could be restored through the breaking up of the society in question into smaller units.
Different versions of the above article were in April and May of 2007 submitted to four well-known publications in the UK and USA (three primarily paper-based, one web-based). None of them accepted the article. This surprised me somewhat, because they all regularly publish material that is critical of the currently ongoing multicultural developments.
Why was this article rejected? Not having received any feedback, I can only speculate. My guess is that the publications in question are uncomfortable with the mere mention of the words ethnic or ethnicity in the context of serious problems. It should however be quite clear from my article that I am not advocating any extreme points of view on these kinds of topics. On the contrary, I am stating that a certain amount of diversity, including ethnic diversity, is good for a healthy society. However, unless we start dealing in a frank, honest, and respectful way with the challenges posed to us by ethnic diversity, I fear that our chances of winning the war against global jihad and radical Islamism will be slim indeed. Moreover, failing to deal with this topic is going to pave the way for people who will certainly be frank, who may perhaps try to be honest, but who will probably have little or no intention of being respectful in these matters. What we need here is free, open, and proper intellectual discussion in the spirit of John Stuart Mill’s classic essay On Liberty. See in particular Chapter II – of the liberty of thought and discussion; the essence of which is captured by Mill as follows:
· First, if any opinion is compelled to silence, that opinion may, for aught we can certainly know, be true. To deny this is to assume our own infallibility.
· Secondly, though the silenced opinion be an error, it may, and very commonly does, contain a portion of truth; and since the general or prevailing opinion on any object is rarely or never the whole truth, it is only by the collision of adverse opinions that the remainder of the truth has any chance of being supplied.
· Thirdly, even if the received opinion be not only true, but the whole truth; unless it is suffered to be, and actually is, vigorously and earnestly contested, it will, by most of those who receive it, be held in the manner of a prejudice, with little comprehension or feeling of its rational grounds.
· And not only this, but, fourthly, the meaning of the doctrine itself will be in danger of being lost, or enfeebled, and deprived of its vital effect on the character and conduct: the dogma becoming a mere formal profession, inefficacious for good, but cumbering the ground, and preventing the growth of any real and heartfelt conviction, from reason or personal experience.
If only intellectuals had been willing to heed the admonitions of Mill during the past 60 years or so, the West would have been in an entirely different situation today (and the world would almost certainly have been a better place).
There are multiple reasons why Islamists will gain by ethnic diversity growing uncontrollably in the West, and I will briefly mention two. First, this will in itself weaken our societies, destroying the foundation for well-functioning democracies and creating a need for a totalitarian ideology that can clean up the multicultural mess by bringing the sum total of essential differences below the critical threshold. Second, some ethnic groups are very likely to become fertile ground for Islamic revivals. I encourage people with access to pertinent information to further elaborate on these topics.
In any case, refusing to face reality has hardly ever been a good strategy. If it is true, as claimed above, that ethnicity is one of the central factors (not the only one) when it comes to people’s loyalty, identity, and sense of belonging, then we ignore this topic at our own peril.
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