Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Battlefield Tours

As I touched on last night, we at Kirklees Resistance have just returned from a tour of the First World War battlefields, graves and memorials on the Western Front of France and Belgium. It’s something that several companies do and is something that we would highly recommend to anyone interested and would especially recommend it to the idiots of the Labour Party and such extreme left groups as Kirklees Unity who have no concept of what it means to be British and are determined to destroy the native British people and culture by whatever means possible.

Anyway it’s a fascinating and in places moving experience especially when you hear of the many instances of personal sacrifice. It also invokes a sense of anger when you realise that a lot of the death could have been avoided had it not been for the fact that the men were led basically by stubborn, public school educated idiots who weren’t officers because of any tactical expertise but because of the fact that were of the right breeding.

I wonder how many of the British soldiers who served in the First World would need New Labour lessons in what it means to be British? The answer of course is none; they knew exactly what it meant and a lot of them paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Anyone thinking of going who maybe wants to pay their respects to a relative as we did can go on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission site fill in the details of the relative and they will tell them the exact graveyard or memorial and plot where their relative is buried or commemorated.
Click here to go to the site

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