What are the roots of the terror being perpetrated against us? Peters: The utter failure of Islamic civilization between Morocco and Pakistan. The Islamic world's values, traditions, structures and practices are thoroughly uncompetitive in the 21st century (and already were in the last century). All that they hold dear holds them back. Islamists and their sympathizers are humiliated by their self-wrought failures, angry at our success, sick with jealousy, and desperately in need of a hot date. The greater Middle East is one vast psycho-ward. And no, I'm not being flippant or exaggerating--the region's Muslim societies are mentally and morally diseased. Hatred is satisfying. Revenge (even against the innocent) is gratifying. And death is a release from the miseries of a failed existence. As a result--as I've remarked over the years--we face ruthless killers who regard death as a promotion. But, of course, our leaders assure us that religion has nothing to do with any of this.
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Red White and Blue Countdown
Despite the best efforts of the anti-British, anti white scum of the Marxist left this years Red White and Blue festival will be going ahead as planned on the weekend of August the 4th and 5th with an official drinks licence.
Despite the usual smear campaign and bullying of the UAF and various other members of the great unwashed the local council have seen through the lies and nonsense put about by the fascists of the anti-fascist movement and awarded a drinks licence based on the fact that the yearly festival is always trouble free and well behaved and a much safer place to be than your average high street on any given night.
Even the Daily Mirror the mouthpiece of the Labour Party tried to get in on the act by threatening the owner of a Ferris wheel and dodgems booked to be there, with a smear campaign, which is typical of this particular scummy rag. Such is their respect for democracy!
Fortunately the owner of the fairground rides showed true mettle and told the fair trade muesli munching journalists of the Mirror where to get off.
In what will be the biggest Red White and Blue to date thousands of BNP supporters will converge on the Derbyshire countryside to enjoy the biggest festival of British culture in the land.
See you there.
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Students receive slap on wrist.
A group of five Muslim men were today sentenced to 13 years in total for planning terrorist attacks on non-Muslim targets.
In what amounts to a slap on the wrist they were each sentenced to between 2 and 3 years each.
A maximum of 3 years jail for planning to kill and maim any numbers of innocent strangers, what a joke.
Read the story here
Monday, 23 July 2007
Interview with Ralph Peters
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Jihad Will Destroy Us If We Don't Act Now
An interview here with Robert Spencer America's leading Catholic scholar of Islam that first appeared in the Catholic Herald.
He paints a fascinating yet disturbing insight into the reality of Islam and warns that Europe faces eventual civil war unless we act now.
Spencer subscribes to the growing view -- expressed in books such as While Europe Slept, Eurabia and Mark Steyn's America Alone -- that the contrasting birth rates between Muslim immigrants and secular Europeans will lead to catastrophe.
He also points out that his greatest critics come from that element of the Left supportive of Islam against "the West", a marriage seen by renegade liberals and socialists as the most ill-conceived alliance since a distinctly non-Aryan Japan sided with Nazi Germany.
To Spencer it makes perfect sense. "There is a deep ideological affinity between the Left and the jihadists. Whenever the hard Left gained power they instituted a reign of terror in order to create what they envisage as a just society, brought about by force. Islamic law works in much the same way: utopia created by force."
Sound familiar?
Read the article here.
Poverty myths
Read the article here.
Saturday, 21 July 2007
The lies they tell
Which is more likely? To work this out we need to look at half a dozen key FACTS:
FACT 1) Nick Griffin has a Cambridge Law degree, has run rings around the best barristers that the Crown Prosecution Service have thrown at him in three free speech trials, and has demolished every Establishment 'big gun' radio and TV interviewer he has ever faced. If the man was in it for the money, he certainly wouldn't be in the BNP!
FACT 2) Land Registry records confirm that Nick's wife brought their home in Wales on a mortgage for £25,000 in the early 1990s. Obviously prices have gone up since then, but it's hardly the price of a palace.
FACT 3) When travelling on speaking tours, Mr. Griffin invariably stays at the homes of BNP members and never even claims travelling expenses. All other political leaders use plush hotels. Who's on the gravy train and who isn't?
FACT 4) The finances and financial records of the BNP, which the Electoral Commission classifies as a 'major party', are therefore by law closely monitored not only by internal staff but also by an independent auditor who is bound by his professional code to ensure that everything is handled properly. His complete audit is in turn gone through with a fine toothed comb by officials from the Electoral Commission. The chances of money being illictly raised, spent or stolen under such a system are effectively zero. The fiances of the modern BNP are the most open and transparent of any party in the history of British nationalism.
FACT 5) Let's face it: Far from being a passport to luxury, high living and privilege, running the BNP - in a country with Islamic terror cells, endemic violence among certain immigrant communities, left-wing thugs and a Politically Correct legal system operated by a totalitarian government - is a dangerous as well as a thankless task.
FACT 6) The BNP is the only household name party in the UK which is 'in the black'. Alll the others are mired in massive debt, because running a political party's central machine is a very costly exercise.
So why do a handful of people tell lies about the BNP's finances, and a slightly bigger group constantly recycle them? There are four KEY POINTS:
POINT 1) Any head of any organisation will at times have to discipline individuals within that organisation, and to defend the interests of the organisation against rivals. Both the punished guilty and jealous rivals have clear motives for lying about the man who has put them in their place, or the successful organisation that blocks their own personal or group ambitions.
POINT 2) Liberal-left journalists and editors are always looking for ways to damage the party, and recycling black propaganda lies is an obvious way to try to scare off potential donors and members.
POINT 3) Well-financed organisations like Searchlight have been shown over and over again to run 'moles' in nationalist organisations, and to use them to spread lies and rumours intended to destablise their targets and set genuine nationalists against each other.
POINT 4) Under English law, political parties cannot sue for libel, and a libel action by an individual about whom lies have been told costs somewhere between £50,000 and half a million pounds. And who is a London (multi-racial) jury going to say it believes - Nick Griffin or some bitter old has-been or opposition 'grass'? The only people who benefit from libel actions are the lawyers, and the only people who can afford them are the mega rich. So the lies will keep coming, and the only sensible thing to do is to ignore them.
So don't do the enemy's work for them. As we all know no-one joins the BNP to make money, we're not career politicians like the majority of the main three parties who will say anything to get themselves elected. So the next time you come across tales about the BNP or its leadership, don't pass them on as gossip, delete them for the baseless lies they are. And tell whoever is spreading them to get off the back of the people who have done more than anyone else to throw a whole bag of spanners into the evil workings of multi-culturalism in Britain - the British National Party, as built and led by Nick Griffin.
Friday, 20 July 2007
Another racist attack in Dewsbury
This time a 40 year old Dewsbury man was attacked in the Ravensthorpe area of the town in the early hours of Saturday morning by two men thought to be Iraqi's.
The man was having a smoke outside the Royal Hotel in Huddersfield Road when he was approached by the two men who then proceeded to stab him for no reason other than the fact that he was white.
Even the Police are treating it as a racist attack, wonders will never cease!
While our troops are over there trying to bring peace to their country, their young men who should be fighting their own wars are over here attacking the very people who gave them asylum.
That's gratitude for you.
The sooner we pull our men out and send their men back the better.
Read the full story here and here.
Calls for Khan to resign
You may remember Councillor Khan ran up a £2000 phone bill courtesy of the Council taxpayer while ringing his fancy woman in
And what's followed has amounted to what appears to be a complete cover up by investigators on Kirklees Council.
Despite the theft coming to light in October of last year no action has been taken other than to make Khan pay back the money at £100 a month.
The Press are this week calling for a full investigation by Kirklees Council into the matter and quite rightly too.
A number of questions need answering namely:
- Why did Khan use the Council telephone and not his own phone?
- Why did Khan not mention the fact that he made the calls until 7 months after making the calls and only after an investigation proved he was the culprit?
- Why is Khan paying the sum back at £100 per month at what the Press rightly claim amounts to an interest free loan?
- Why hasn’t he been reported to the Police for what is quite obviously theft of public funds?
- Why has there been a cover up?
I think we all know the answers to the questions namely that Councillor Khan had no intention of repaying the money until he was caught and the answer to the last question is that he’s a Labour man like the investigating team.
The whole incident stinks from start to finish and even more so when you realise that despite the story being in the public domain for well over a week the only paper to so far cover it is the Press newspaper. The rest of the local papers simply aren’t interested in reporting on Labour wrong doing, especially when the Labour man concerned is an Asian Muslim.
Although its what we've come to expect from corrupt New Labour and their obvious contempt for the people who put them into office its still time Khan did the honourable thing and resigned although I wouldn’t hold your breath.
Imagine though if the culprit had been a BNP Councillor?
It wouldn’t be a ticking off he’d be facing it’d be jail!
Read the story here.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Red White and Blue will go ahead
Mr Sandhu has called on Amber Valley Borough Council to block the festival- unfortunately for them they don't have that power.
Mr Sandhu claims that the BNP incites racial hatred and ruins the work of organisations like the Race Equality Council, which tries to build links between cultures in the community.
Yeah it must be a real bummer when you spend your life milking the taxpayer to come up with more and more ingenious ways of pulling the wool over peoples eyes and then someone like the BNP has the temerity to come along an tell the truth!
He also claims that his organisation fights for equal opportunities and the BNP doesn't believe in that.
But that's where you're wrong Mr Singh we want equal opportunity for everyone, not preferential treatment for some. And if you really do believe in equal opportunities you wouldn't be acting like a fascist by trying to prevent law abiding people holding a festival simply because you don't agree with their lawful politics.
Unfortunately for the followers of the anti- racist religion and the best efforts of New Labour and the Marxist scum who pull their strings, we still do have some freedoms in this country, one of them being the option of holding a private party on private land and that's exactly what we will be doing come rain or shine.
Read the story here
Monday, 16 July 2007
More New Labour social engineering
The measure is supposedly aimed at promoting 'community' relations.
It's just another example of New Labours attempt to force on a long suffering public the folly of their immigration policy and can only increase BNP support.
Previously all white communities will realise what the rest of us have had to put up with for years.
I say bring it on.
Read the story here
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Muslim heads buried firmly in the sand.
In this article he tells of the Muslim community's tendency to go into denial when faced with the uncomfortable truths about their religion, a denial also bought into by the establishment in general.
An establishment who would have us beleive the usual nonsense and platitudes such as Islam is 'a religion of peace.' Yeah right.
And an assertion rather contradicted by Hassan Butt where he states:
'Only when Muslims admit that 9/11 and 7/7 were the work of Muslim terrorists can we move forward to the next juncture: which is recognising the hard truth that Islam does permit the use of violence. Muslims who deny this, preferring instead to mouth easy platitudes about how Islam is nothing but a religion of peace, make the job easier for the radicals who can point to passages in the Koran, set down in black and white, that instruct on the killing of unbelievers.'
Well worth reading here.
Oh no! Trevor Phillips threatens to resign
Phillips claims that there aren't enough women and non-whites in the cabinet and that the two Muslims in the cabinet (one of them being Shahid Malik) are unpaid. He also claims there are no gays in Browns cabinet.
Hmmm i would beg to differ and anyone who lives round these parts will know there's at least one!
Phillips is upset that David Cameron has gone out of his way to promote ethnics in his shadow cabinet based purely on the colour of their skin and that Brown hasn't done likewise.
Sayeeda Warsi from Dewsbury is a prime example of Camerons penchant for promoting race over ability. Warsi was promoted to being a Lord purely so he could have a Muslim woman in his cabinet despite her never having being elected and despite only being a member of the Tory party for 3 years.
Call me naive but shouldn't it be the best person for the job rather than the colour of someones skin or their sex that decides who gets the job?
But then this is the whole basis for the 'race equality' industry they don't want equality they want preferential treatment.
Its time it was disbanded and professional race agitators like Phillips were forced to get real jobs.
Story here
Saturday, 14 July 2007
* Update * Mehmood Khan
We've just received some information that the intial 'investigation' into the case was led by a one Dave Harris who is the Deputy Chief Executive of Kirklees Council and it was he who decided to take no action other than to make Councillor Khan pay back the cost of the calls.
It will also come as no surprise to find out that 'citizen' Dave is a former Labour Councillor and also we are informed a current member of the Labour party.
We'll keep you informed.
Old Lady mugged by Asians in Heckmondwike
Read the full story here.
Raids in Dewsbury
The two houses in the Thornhill Lees area of the town were linked to an alleged plot to break Muslim terrorists out of Woodhill prison in Buckinghamshire.
Whats remarkable about this story is not the fact that police are raiding Muslim homes in Dewsbury, in fact there's hardly a week goes by when they don't do just that. But the fact that the police had contacted people in the 'community' - likely to be local Mullahs- to discuss the raids prior to them happening and the fact that these people had accompanied the 'Neighbourhood Policing Team Officers' (or Police as they're known when its none Muslim homes they're raiding) on the raids.
And it's not the first time. And it's happening all over the country.
Since when have white people been afforded the same luxury? The answer as we all know is never.
They're so terrified of upsetting the 'community' they basically do anything the Muslims ask of them.
No-one will be surprised to learn that no arrests were made in the 'raids'. And no wonder when the police are letting them know what they're doing in advance. It's just a joke.
The mind boggles - no wonder they think they're above the law, most of them are!
Read the story here
Friday, 13 July 2007
Labour Leader caught fiddling.
Using the Council telephone for personal calls is strictly forbidden except in the event of an emergency and even then the Councillor concerned must report the fact to the Council and pay back the cost of the call.
In this case Councillor Khan conveniently forgot to mention the £2000 worth of personal calls he made and it was only when it was investigated and the calls were found to have come from his office that he came clean and admitted making the calls.
Strangely though the Chief Executive of the Council Rob Vincent has decided to take no action and has only requested that Khan pay back the money, in fact no-one would know about it if it hadn't been for a disgusted member of staff leaking it to the BNP group on Kirklees.
Khan should have been reported to the standards board and the police for theft.
PS It won't surprise you to know that Rob Vincent is a former Labour party member and obviously still a supporter.
Read the story here
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Bombers not guilty.
The two former members of the BNP in
Once again a politically motivated show trial failed to pull the wool over the eyes of the 12 good and honest men of the jury. No wonder New Labour are so keen to end trial by jury.
Read the full story here.
Another 3 million homes?
Excellent news you might say! Now what little green space we have left in this already overcrowded country is about to be tarmacked over to accommodate the third world population boom.
Despite the fact that the white indigenous population of Britain is falling, the overall population in the country as a whole is growing rapidly thanks to the unwelcome guests from abroad which is in turn leading to a shortage of homes. Not long now before we're the ethnic minority.
Yet still the idiots continue to vote for them!
Read the story here.
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
North Kirklees Meeting
First up was Heckmondwike Councillor Roger Roberts who spoke about the recent elections and how the three main parties conspired to try and prevent the BNP winning seats, a tactic that can only ever suceed in the short term. He also spoke of how with every passing day he's happier and happier with his decision to leave the Tory Party and join the BNP.
Next up was a speech by Tom Linden himself in which he spoke of the 3 trees that were planted to commemorate the 3 terrorists from Beeston in Leeds who turned themselves into jigsaws in the terrorist attacks on London.
The trees were planted apparently to show 'solidarity' with the 'local' (Muslim) community and were planted at a ceremony attended by Secretary of State for International Development and Leeds MP Hilary Benn. That's New Labour morality for you. Commemorating the perpetrators and not the victims.
Tom also pointed out that at the height of the IRA terrorist attacks on mainland Britain there were only ever 2 or 3 active terror cells and that now thanks to the unwelcome Muslim 'guests' we now have 219 active terror cells. Tom rightly asked if MI5 know about them why are they still walking the streets?
A short break followed and next up to speak was Dewsbury East Councillor Colin Auty who gave his usual witty speech. He told us all about his life as an elected Councillor and of some of the tricks the other Councillors pull to get themselves re-elected and of how he's learning fast.
The final guest speaker was Bradford North activist Frank Brammer who gave an excellent speech beginning with a story about a recent raid on Muslim properties in Keighley and how the police had a pre-raid briefing with local 'community' leaders and took the afore mentioned 'leaders' with them on the non-hostile raid, which was also attended by paramedics because one of the residents was known to have a heart condition! I kid you not, read the report here.
He read out an hilarious letter that he wrote to Keighley Police in response to this Politically Correct nonsense which had the audience in stitches.
He also made three suggestions to fill the fourth empty plinth in Trafalger Square in London. One of his suggestions being of a young white girl holding a teddy bear in one hand and a syringe in the other to represent the stolen childhood of young white girls all over the country, who are groomed by Muslim paedophiles and shared round the local male 'community', most recently highlighted in Keighley and a problem still ignored and denied by the establishment and powers that be.
He rounded his speech off with a plea to all activists and supporters to carry on working hard and eventually we will prevail.
A collection and raffle raised over £300 which was an excellent figure given the time of year.
Everyone i spoke to agreed it was an excellent evening with the speech from Frank Brammer being one of the best we've heard in a long while.
Report provided by local activist- Thank you.
Monday, 9 July 2007
Ex Lib Dem Councillor Guilty of Benefit Fraud
Update ..... Tabasum Aslam the former Lib Dem Councillor for Heckmondwike (between 2004 and 2006) has been convicted of four fraud charges relating to supplying false documents in order to claim housing benefits.
He will be sentenced next month.
Big deal you might say, especially seeing as it's only benefit fraud - not exactly the crime of the century - and i agree to an extent and it's a welcome departure from the usual Lib Dem Councillor crime of choice IE. sex crimes that usually involve the rape of kids (see here)
But this was a man who at the time of the fraud was working in IT and combined with his Councillors allowance was earning 47,000 pounds a year and was employed as an elected Councillor for the people of Heckmondwike but he still tried to steal a bit more.
Unfortunately lying and cheating comes as second nature to some people.
By the way he's still a member of the Lib Dems and also on the Police Board and as far as we're aware hasn't been asked or forced to resign from either but we'll keep you updated
Read the story here.
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Fanatics working for Police force as well as NHS!
This is the same police force who barred BNP members from joining up despite not having the 'legal power' to enforce such a ban, but enforce it they do!
It would appear that it's ok for potential terrorists to work for the Police force but not members of a legitimate, legal, democratic political party who in common with 75+ per cent of the British population happen to disagree with mass immigration and have the bottle to speak about the fact.
Its thought that the Met's eagerness to fulfil Governement quotas for the number of ethnic minorities that work for them is allowing extremists to take advantage of the fact by joining up relatively unchecked.
The fact that the BNP happens to be the only party that would treat everyone equally regardless of colour or ethnic background by picking the best person for the job, rather than discriminating against the indigenous population which, trying to fulfill some pie in the sky Government imposed quota certainly does, would seem irrelevant. The same old double standard is alive and kicking.
Read the story here
Friday, 6 July 2007
Lib Dem Councillors fraud hearing
Ex-Heckmondwike Liberal Democrat Councillor Tabasum Aslam is standing trial at Leeds Crown Court on four charges of dishonestly producing a false document to obtain benefits.
Aslam, 33, of Lobley Street Heckmondwike, a Kirklees councillor from June 11 2004 until May 3 last year, denies all the charges.
We'll keep you posted of the verdict.
Read the story here
Muslims United?
The ads condemn the recent attempted terrorist attacks in both London and Glasgow and at the same time praise both the emergency services and – strangely – the Government for their ‘calm and proportionate’ response to the attacks.
On first impressions it would seem like an act of contrition and an attempt by the Muslim community to condemn the terrorists among them but on closer inspection it raises quite a few worrying questions.
Such as:
Just who are Muslims United? I’ve been on their site (weirdly called Islam is Peace) and they claim to be volunteers who share a vision of a diverse, all inclusive and strong
Who is their leader? Again no mention of anyone.
Are any prominent Muslims members? Muslims such as Iqbal Sacranie or Lord Ahmed (to name but a couple).
Where did they get the money to place full page ads in the national newspapers? It must have run into hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Why are they praising the Government rather the general public?
Is this an attempt to glean votes from the Muslim community by giving the Labour party a false endorsement?
And is this just another organisation in the same mould as the Muslim Council of Britain set up by Labour, funded by the taxpayer and designed to mislead the public?
The ad goes onto quote the often quoted piece from the Koran whenever there is some terrorist attack or other in the name of Islam (Surah al-Maidah 5 verse 32) that:
‘Whoever kills an innocent soul, it is as if he killed the whole of mankind. And whoever saves one, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind’.
Once again the passage is misquoted the actual verse reads as such:
“We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land"
They claim that Islam’s stance on terrorism is unambiguous but then why are they having to edit verses of the Koran to change the original meaning? If the authors have to slice and dice a verse to make it say what they want, then I think their claim to be the "clear about Islam's stance on such acts" is decidedly suspect. The actual verse says 'if anyone slew a person-unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land'...
The land means Muslim land and murder and spreading mischief is precisely what we (the west) are repeatedly accused of doing in
Wake up Britain, vote BNP
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
What excuses now for the Doctors of Death?
Claims by liberals that poverty, discrimination and “exclusion” fuels young Muslims living in Britain and around the Islamic world to extremist clerics who radicalize them to become terrorists and suicide bombers, have any shred of credibility they may have had totally destroyed as the backgrounds of the individuals behind the thwarted Glasgow Airport attack are revealed.
Security sources believe 12 individuals were involved in the attempt to detonate gas cylinders in the main hall of Glasgow Airport on Saturday (30th June) afternoon.
Eight people have so far been arrested in the hunt for the car bombers who tried to cause carnage in London and Glasgow. Six of them are NHS doctors.
The eight arrested are:
• Dr. Mohammed Asha, 26 year old from Staffordshire, arrested by police in swoop at Sandbach on the M6.
• Marwah Asha, 27 year old wife of above. Lab technician at Shrewsbury Hospital.
• Dr. Bilal Abdullah, originally from Iraq, worked at Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley. He was the driver of the Jeep which ploughed into the main airport hall on Saturday.
• The other unnamed man in the Jeep, in intensive care in Paisley with life-threatening burns.
• An unnamed 26 year old Indian doctor working at Halton Hospital in Cheshire.
• A unnamed Saudi junior doctor, aged 25 who worked at the Royal Alexandra.
• A unnamed Saudi junior doctor, aged 28 who worked at the Royal Alexandra.
• Mohammed Haneef, 27 year old medical registrar, arrested in Queensland, Australia.
Deliverers of death
There is little evidence of poverty, social exclusion or disadvantage amongst those who plan to kill, maim and destroy, quite the opposite; the alleged terror bombers and their accomplices are well educated, privileged and were viewed as respectable pillars of the community. It might appear ironic that the men and women who worked to give their lives to saving others should be the architects and practitioners of death, but the very foundation of the faith practiced by those arrested, those on the run and those who are today working on the terror plots of tomorrow is one of violence, deceit and warfare.
“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know.” (Qu’an 8:60).
There may be passages in the Christian Bible particularly in the Old Testament which make blood curdling reading (Numbers 31:17-18) for example but the enemies are specific and unambiguous – in this case the tribe of Midianites. The Qu’an (Koran) seems to command the war against all unbelievers is open-ended and universal.
Further most Britons who tick the box “Christian” on census returns or other forms of identification have probably never read, or had read to them the entire contents of the Bible, let alone pay its content any regard in the running of their daily lives. Muslims on the other hand have the contents of their holy book rammed home not just weekly like many Church-going Christians but five times a day.
Islam is at odds with everything we in the west stand for. It is diametrically opposed to our enlightened forms of social governance, democracy, free thinking, scientific enquiry and common justice. The BNP remains the only political party which stands firm, speaks the truth and says that there is no place for Islam in Britain.
Reproduced in full from the BNP website.
Monday, 2 July 2007
Global Jihad continues.
If it wasn't the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan then the more 'radical' followers of this religion would find some other way of justifying their actions by terrorism.
Whereas all the other major religions believe in co-existing in peace with other religions, Islam is unique in that it actively seeks to subjugate the followers of other religions and non-believers, to the teachings of Islam.
By force if necessary.
It's all in the Koran, part of being a 'good' Muslim and is one of the obligations of all followers
An article in today's Daily Mail by a former member of the 'Jihad network' speaks of the delusion that most of the British establishment seeks to perpetuate IE. that Islam is a religion like all others and it's not the religion that it's flawed just some of it's followers.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
As this chap points out Muslims are taught to see the world in terms of Muslim and Infidel. Believer and non-believer and non-believers should be converted or eliminated at all costs. Integration never comes into it.
Wake up Britain.
Read the story here.
Read more of the Global Jihad here and here.