Friday, 20 July 2007

Calls for Khan to resign

Once again the story of Labour group leader and Councillor for Greenhead in Huddersfield Mehboob Khan dominates the front page of the only local paper worth reading - namely the Press newspaper.

You may remember Councillor Khan ran up a £2000 phone bill courtesy of the Council taxpayer while ringing his fancy woman in Uzbekistan.
And what's followed has amounted to what appears to be a complete cover up by investigators on Kirklees Council.
Despite the theft coming to light in October of last year no action has been taken other than to make Khan pay back the money at £100 a month.
The Press are this week calling for a full investigation by Kirklees Council into the matter and quite rightly too.
A number of questions need answering namely:

  1. Why did Khan use the Council telephone and not his own phone?
  2. Why did Khan not mention the fact that he made the calls until 7 months after making the calls and only after an investigation proved he was the culprit?
  3. Why is Khan paying the sum back at £100 per month at what the Press rightly claim amounts to an interest free loan?
  4. Why hasn’t he been reported to the Police for what is quite obviously theft of public funds?
  5. Why has there been a cover up?

I think we all know the answers to the questions namely that Councillor Khan had no intention of repaying the money until he was caught and the answer to the last question is that he’s a Labour man like the investigating team.
The whole incident stinks from start to finish and even more so when you realise that despite the story being in the public domain for well over a week the only paper to so far cover it is the Press newspaper. The rest of the local papers simply aren’t interested in reporting on Labour wrong doing, especially when the Labour man concerned is an Asian Muslim.
Although its what we've come to expect from corrupt New Labour and their obvious contempt for the people who put them into office its still time Khan did the honourable thing and resigned although I wouldn’t hold your breath.

Imagine though if the culprit had been a BNP Councillor?
It wouldn’t be a ticking off he’d be facing it’d be jail!
Read the story here.

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