Friday, 28 September 2007

More Muslim on White racist attacks in Ravensthorpe

Question: When is a racist gang not a racist gang?
Answer: When they're Asian Muslims and the victims are white....
Apparently - according to Chief Inspector Jon Carter - they're a peer group!
Whatever one of those might be.
Two white men were attacked and robbed whilst out digging for bottles in woodland off Park Road in Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury by a gang of 30 Asians. The gang who call themselves the Ravey terror squad are responsible for a number of racist attacks on white people in the past 12 months or so.
Although when the Chief Inspector of Dewsbury police was asked by the Press about the attacks he was quick to come to the defence of the thugs and described them as a peer group that's become involved in crime and anti-social behaviour.
So that's ok then. Let's hope none of his friends of family have the misfortune of coming across this 'peer group' on a dark night.
It's absolutely disgraceful the disparity between the way the Police and the media deal with racist attacks on whites as opposed to when the peprpertrator is white.
Had this been a white gang of 30 men beating up an Asian it would have been on all the local news channels, in all the local papers with the Police bending over backwards to reassure the 'Community' and promising to do all they could to catch the perpetrators.
But as usual because the victim is white and we don't go out rioting when we have a grievance it doesn't seem to matter. Of course when the BNP mention such incidents we're making it up and exploiting peoples fears. The truth is we don't need to.
Perhaps if we started blocking off roads and the like when things don't go our way then maybe the Police would start protecting us in the same way that they currently reserve for immigrants.
Read the story here.


Anonymous said...


Jihadists breed like rats, get priority housing for their swarms of offspring, import more cousin-wives and breed even more.

Kuffar couples want a decent house before having kids, keep getting pushed to the bottom of the list, can't afford to buy, and even when they can the woman can't afford to stop work.

Result: Kuffar population declines while jihadist infestation spreads like a plague.

Anonymous said...

There's a very interesting article on Muslim psychology and their obsession with humiliation at .

Apparently, if they aren't humiliating the kuffar, then they believe that the kuffar are humiliating them!

The article gives an unusual and fascinating insight into the dark depths of the Muslim collective mind and shows why it is so difficult for muslim and kuffar to coexist peacefully - when they aren't trying to kill us, they are wanting to humiliate us! (E.g. Megamosque bigger than any Christian building)

If you have time, read the whole article and follow the links, but here are a few quotes:

"HUMILIATE THEM! That is what they fear most! Therefore, humiliate them every chance you get. They expect it. Whether we do it or not, they will claim that we do and did. So why not grind them into the dirt where they claim we make them crawl? Osama sez: " . . . the Muslim world had experienced more than eighty years of 'humiliation and disgrace' at American hands, during which its sons were killed and its sanctities defiled."

"What Muslims claim to want is “respect”. But what is respect? The Islamic vision of “respect” is to be the dominant global power. It is to have the military power, the economic wealth and the international prestige to get what they want, whenever they want. Any compromise in any forum is immediately condemned as “humiliation” due to their weakness – a humiliation that naturally should be countered by pressing their political and military muscle."

"Hence, there is nothing that we--the West, the free (un-Islamic) people--can say or do that will not humiliate the Islamic umma, unless we surrender to it, subjugate ourselves to Islam.

As we will never do that willingly (without being conquered or killed by the Islamic hordes), they will always feel humiliated. Let them! Let them feel that they are worthless, that their ideology is inferior, that it is crude and brutal--for it is.

Whence the ultimate source of this Humiliation of the Islamic male? (The Islamic female is humiliated by the males of her society, so that she does not have far to look for the source of her humiliation.)

... the root of Islamic militancy — its anger, its antimodernity, its justifications for murder — lies a feeling of intense humiliation. Islam plays a role in this, with its straitjacketed and all-encompassing worldview. But whether the militant hails from a middle-class family or an impoverished one, is intensely religious or a “theological amateur,” as Wright calls bin Laden and his cohort, he springs almost invariably from an ossified society with an autocratic government that is unable to provide any reason to believe in the future.

Islam's young men are often sexually insane. Arab moms have this folk idea that if they pull on their little boy's penises it will make it bigger and make them 'manlier' so basically, and I have seen this in both Egypt and Syria - Arab moms masturbate even INFANTS till they are writhing in dry orgasm.

It is done with barely concealed sadism and the battered islamic moms seem to 'worship' and yet in some primordial way hate their sons.

Older men routinely sexually abuse boys and girls and the whole culture is [pervaded] with intense shame/honor/guilt complexes. Sex is brutal, domineering and fraught with violence.

And there you have it! Humiliation has its roots in sexual shame and guilt. We did not impose that straight-jacket on the Moslems: Mohammed did. But do they blame him and his "all the sex I want for me, and none for you, except . . . " And the "excepts" require either sufficient wealth for marriage, taking captive women and children that can be used for sex, or sublimation, that is, perverting the sex drive into a killing drive--with the target, of course, infidels--that is, us, the free people, who are not subject to Islam.

Anonymous said...


Increase your awareness of Muslim contributions to our cultural enrichment, for example:

- Vibrant rape gangs and pedophile rings reaching out to give new cultural diversity experiences to the women and children of the hideously unvibrant monocultural community.

- Architectural enrichment from vibrant MegaMosques dominating the skylines of ancient European cities

- Imaginatively enriched travel experiences which keep you wondering what exotic contents are in your diversified fellow passengers' luggage.

- Vibrant new ways of using surplus tax income by spending on 'inclusion' projects for jihad-crazed psychopaths.

- Improved efficiency in the vibrant heroin supply chain

- Increased employment diversity in the police force for investigators of mind-crimes.

- Doctors who save on health care costs by neglecting their unvibrant Kuffar patients.

- Low-cost demolition and disposal of outdated buildings and obsolete monocultural icons.

- Vibrant kuffar-free neighbourhoods

- Encouragement of unvibrant women and dancing slags to stay home at night.

- Demands for an inclusively diversified school curriculum, such as banning music, dance, drama, biology, swimming and lessons about any other religion but Islam. Also compulsory history lessons about the massive contribution that Islam has made to the development of Western civilisation.

.... If all this is cultural 'enrichment' then I wonder what cultural impoverishment would look like?

So remember, if you want any future for your children - MAKE EVERY WEEK ISLAMIC AWARENESS WEEK !!!

'The minarets are our bayonets, domes our helmets, the mosques are our barracks' - Muslim hymn

"I have been made victorious with terror" - Mohammed quoted by al-Bukhari Vol. 4, Bk 52, No. 220.

gatesofvienna said...

In 1939, the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact cleared the way for Hitler to start World War II. The Pact caught the world by surprise, because it was an alliance between two bitter enemies, Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. Similarly, what made possible the recent bombings in London, and the many more that will follow in Europe and the U.S., is the Marx-Mohammed Pact. Once again, two sworn enemies, Marxism -- specifically the cultural Marxism commonly known as Political Correctness -- and Islam, have made a Devil's bargain whereby each assists the other against a common enemy, the remnants of the Christian West. Given its history and what its adherents are doing around the world, Islam itself is a threat. Europe, and the United States, need to stop more Islamics (and, in the U.S., Hispanics) from coming, and at least some of the Islamics now in residence must go.London was only a foretaste of what those policies will bring to Europe and America. If we dare rip down the camouflage nets cultural Marxism has erected to blind us, we see Europe has two real choices: an infinity of Londons or second expulsion of the Moors.

And by the practise of neo marxism or better known has PC each one of us that adheres to this. aids our own suicide!

Take a glass of juice any..say raspberry. half fill a glass then keep pouring into the juice water.
eventually all signs of the raspberry will disappear completely.

That is exactly what this marx mohammed pact aims for. dilution dilution dilution.

Blairs education education education ten years ago was in reality DILUTION.

Educate the English to accept all the BS they can throw at us.
Threaten us with their 3000 new laws.
Try to cower everyone in fear that would dare to stand up and resist.

Well we fought for this country and we built what this country had become.
Too many died and too many suffered to just hand it over lock stock and barrel to what amounts to a bunch of peasants.

Resist Resist Resist...join the many groups of like minded people be it the BNP whoever.
There are a thousand legal ways to put a spoke in their wheel.
Keep Yorkshire has it was with it's pride intact.
le Resistance.

Anonymous said...

Guy Leven-Torres

25th October 2007

It’s that time of year again folks!

The Jihadi boys are rioting across Europe in Brussels and Amsterdam where several nights of street war have left businesses and cars burnt out shells. The police have all but given up and as usual the ‘Common Purpose’ gang of boys and girls in the BBC and other European left dominated media outlets, sanitise the news, in order to present the picture that everything is wonderful and harmonious in the European Union garden of multicultural Utopia. It is almost becoming a standing joke in fact.

The Soviet state dominated media would have been proud of its modern descendants in their modern mode. Nobody believed the Tass news agency but instead tuned in to the then, still truthful BBC World Service to get the real news. Alas too, that has gone the way of Tass and the tripe and childish multicultural rubbish that comes out over in the wee hours of the morning beggar belief.

I have had to pinch myself very hard many times to really believe that the once famed BBC World Service has sunk so low to the level it has, with the inane tripe it broadcasts: most of it would not be out of place in some back-street ‘yoof’ illegal pirate radio station, like the one recently closed down, run by black music loving yobs by the authorities for endangering aircraft landing and taking off at Heathrow by broadcasting on the same frequency as the Airfield control tower. Like the aircraft threatened by the morons above, society is in mortal danger from the British public broadcaster, ever so recently caught red-handed stealing form children in phone-in scams: children for God’s sake?

Below is a quote from the Daily Mail yesterday.

‘Vincent and Pauline Matherick will this week have their latest foster son taken away because they have refused to sign new sexual equality regulations. To do so, they claim, would force them to promote homosexuality and go against their Christian faith. The 11-year-old boy, who has been in their care for two years, will be placed in a council hostel this week and the Mathericks will no longer be given children to look after.

The 11 year old boy is now in a council run care home. Just think about that reader for a moment? 11 years old!

A child already deprived of his parents, deprived of love, that most important ingredient of all in any upbringing worthy of the name and offered the chance of a decent substitute from a loving Christian couple and the chance to mend his damaged traumatised mind and what do the social workers do? Take him away from any chance of salvation and to more deprivation and a never ending cycle of torment, self-doubt, guilt, wondering what he has done to be treated thus (all children do when deprived of love), probably eventually cast onto the savage streets at 16, totally unprepared and into the hands of some gang of fellow societal rejects, drugs, violence, more confusion, prostitution and never ending cycle of crime and prison in a revolving door.

Why? Because the people that could have given him a second loving chance to become a well developed adult of benefit to himself, his own children and society, refused to sign up to a homosexual rights’ charter for child adoption and ‘guarantee’ to teach the boy that homosexual partnerships were of ‘equal value’ to heterosexual ones! They also had to promise the boy would be made to attend Homosexual meetings as he grew up.

And it doesn’t stop there does it? His offspring will be the same as he drifts in and out of relationships, surviving on petty crime and state benefits, probably becoming an absent father in the process fathering five or six of his own children, who will probably also go the same way in a cycle of repetition. And why, all because over mighty, political activist social workers could not stand the idea, that a decent family could not stomach signing something they believed would threaten the child or children so affected. Only recently a ‘gay’ couple were prosecuted for harming children in their care. The Social Services even allowed the abuse and buggery to go on, even though the poor children complained.

None of this was about the poor, deprived, insecure children concerned but about Marxist ideologues and their warped sick egos that simply utilised children, that weakest most vulnerable of all symbol of a Society’s health and moral state of virtue or complete lack of it, as a tool to push their sick social engineering agendas.

Our actions in life are like the ripples on a pond. The ripples in this case will not only affect the child but generations yet unborn: as it is fully intended of course in order, to further undermine and destroy/deconstruct our Judeao-Christian world. This is the prime weapon of the ‘Frankfurt School’ of course and its modern offshoots like ‘Common Purpose’ that seek to re-engineer ‘Society’ in their Marxist multicultural image.

These anti-social vermin politically-correct gangsters now infest the whole philosophic and body-politick of the current New Labour regime in Britain and the increasingly, omniscient European satanic demon in Brussels. And believe me this thing is satanic! These scum may dress themselves up in smart suits and have lots of impressive academic letters after their names but so did the thugs that ran the old USSR: they are still scum, even if ‘intellectual’ scum. In some ways these oiks are far worse than ordinary scum, because they are educated enough to know better and think through the consequences of what they are about and to where it will lead.

That is also why, I state time and again that everything of the nature that we read above is fully intentional. These rotten excuses for Humanity know and fully understand their actions and the results.
I think I have never been so angry in all the years I have written against these people. They really are from the dark depths of Satanic Hell.

I ask you reader, ‘How long before we do something about it?’

10 years old Children are killing each other on our streets. The Tory Cameroon blubs on TV for a good sound-bite but crocodile tears will do nothing to change things, as we all sink back into the asocial Swamp of Apathy and shrug our collective shoulders in hopelessness.

However we can do something about this whole rotten show! And it is our duty to do something about it: each and every one of us! If we don’t act now then the situation will get worse; far, far worse.

We can get off our collective backsides and protest and shout as loud as we can that we have had enough! We can take to the streets, refuse to pay taxes, refuse to take orders from politically correct police orifices and yellow jacketed oafs that spy on our rubbish and fine us, and what is more refuse to recycle our rubbish, and lots, lots, lots more! We can pay visits to local authority offices and departments and hold strikes and ‘sit ins’, block roads, public meetings, write letters as infinitum to these oiks telling them in no uncertain terms what they can do with their EU schemes and everything else they try to foist upon us! We are the People and we have terrific power if we care to utilise it: PEOPLE POWER.

The bullying bureaucratic oafs in Westminster, Brussels and the local town halls are scared to death of a real People’s Movement. We can change things ladies and gentlemen!

If not for ourselves, then at least for those of our children yet to come! Will you join me then friends?

Here we go lads.....

Anonymous said...

"Many have accused the BNP of jumping on the band wagon, yet, where were all the so called main stream bloggers when the BNP where campaigning against Islam?

Charles Johnson, of LGF was blogging about bicycle racing, programming, web design.

And Robert Spencer did not kick off with Jihad Watch until exactly two years after the below Campaign poster was published

Where were all the other main stream anti-jihadists such as Pamela at Atlas Shrugs, Melanie Phillips, Michelle Malkin or Debbie Schlussel?

All the people above did not get active until after 9/11, including myself, whereas Nick Griffin and the BNP where campaigning before 9/11.

How many of the above showed any support for Griffin when he was standing trial and facing a 7 year jail term? Not many.....


Anonymous said...

Here in Britainistan we're coming to the end of the lavishly petrodollar-funded ISLAM AWARENESS WEEK, with the 'Religion of Peace' message being proclaimed throughout our schools and colleges. Every British child now knows that 'Islam means Peace' and that Muslims cannot possibly have carried out the terrorist attacks for which they've been blamed, and they're bringing home the glossy booklets to prove it to their bigoted Islamophobic parents. Allah Akhbar!!!!

So as my own humble underfunded contribution to Islam Awareness Week, I've compiled a list of Islamically Aware blogs which allow unrestricted comments and are active as of 24-NOV-2007 . Let us go forth and share Islam Awareness throughout the blogosphere!!!

Anonymous said...

Muslim jokes - contributions welcome

Anonymous said...

An elegy to murdered England

Over the last two months I have been saying a terrible thing I had never said before, that Britain, our Mother Country, is dead. I always add that this is so far a spiritual death, which is potentially reversible, not a physical death, which is irreversible. But, I've nevertheless insisted, Britain, as she now is, is dead.
This is a view for which James Wolcott in his blog at Vanity Fair thinks me some kind of weirdo.

But in Monday's Daily Express, Leo McKinstry, one of the best conservative-leaning columnists in Britain,--or, rather, in England--writes of England as though she has already died:

ST GEORGE'S Day should be an occasion for patriotic celebration.
But for those of us who love this land, today has the tone of a funeral wake.

The England that we cherished has disappeared. We can only raise our glasses to the memory of a once great country whose spirit has been broken by her own rulers, its fabric torn apart by social revolution.

That's only the start. The rest of the column is a soul-wrenching, almost unbearably painful hymn to the passing of the country--the real country, the real England, not the America-type collection of political abstractions known as "Britain"--that McKinstry, an immigrant from Northern Ireland, has deeply loved but now feels he has lost. What he says is ineffably sad and tragic and beyond commentary, except for one point. McKinstry speaks of immigration as a leading, probably the leading cause of the death of Britain, but he still fails to criticize immigration policy itself or call for any changes in it. How disheartening that even a true "conservative of the heart" like McKinstry, at this late stage of the civilizational disaster brought on by liberalism, is still unwilling to break the liberal bands asunder and cast away their cords from him.
I reproduce this beautiful article in its entirety below. (I am not reproducing the readers' comments, but you should read them as well.)

Monday April 23,2007
By Leo McKinstry
ST GEORGE'S Day should be an occasion for patriotic celebration.

But for those of us who love this land, today has the tone of a funeral wake.

The England that we cherished has disappeared.We can only raise our glasses to the memory of a once great country whose spirit has been broken by her own rulers, its fabric torn apart by social revolution.

The words of that stirring wartime song There'll Always Be An England have acquired a tragic poignancy. For there is no longer a real England--not the England that was once renowned for its gentleness and humour, its decency and sense of history, its rich language and inspiring landscape.

The relics of our past are still around us--such as the monarchy or the village green--but they have been robbed of all meaning and vitality, becoming little more than heritage landmarks in a place without a soul.

We are becoming a mass of conflicting minorities

The country of Shakespeare echoes to the babble of a thousand foreign tongues. The land of Elgar is held hostage by the thud of the rapper's boom-box. The stiff upper lip has been replaced by the wail of victimhood. A land that used to be known for its lack of crime is now scourged by gang violence, shootings and stabbings.

The English traits of modesty and moderation have been lost to a tidal wave of extremism, terrorism, obscenity and cruelty. Our political system, once the least corrupt in the world, is riddled with ballot-box fraud. A national sense of belonging has given way to mutual distrust.

As an outsider but a passionate Anglophile I have been disturbed by these changes to England's character. I was born and brought up in Northern Ireland but to me England seemed like the promised land--a feeling that was reinforced by family holidays across the water.

As a wide-eyed youth I loved everything about England--from the metallic hiss of a London Underground train to the tender ringing of the bells in a Dorset abbey. It seemed a world so different from the bigotry, insecurity and ethnic strife of my native Belfast.

In my mid-20s I fulfilled my dream of starting a new life in England and settling here only strengthened my devotion to my adopted country.

For my love of England was inspired not just by those icons of English life such as warm beer and cricket but also by other images which resonated for me: a Suffolk wood on a October afternoon, the ravens croaking in the leafless trees; a Jack Russell terrier bounding through the daffodils in an Essex park; the sun catching the dramatic skyline of London on a summer's morning.

But in recent years my attachment to England has faded. My sense of connection, so powerful 20 years ago, has become frayed. I increasingly feel as if I am living in a foreign land, having nothing in common with large numbers of my fellow citizens--not even a language or a shared set of values.

When I go to parts of London, Manchester or Birmingham I am struck by a sense of being in the Third World, with all its attendant chaos and tension. This is not the England that I once loved.

Yet I am told by Government and civic institutions that I am not allowed to harbour such dangerous sentiments. Instead, I should be overjoyed at the changing face of our country. In the twisted logic of the modern British state, my devotion to England--the reason I settled here--is a cause for suspicion. I should be embracing cultural diversity, not clinging to an England that is being systematically demolished.

To me this is a morally reprehensible argument. If you genuinely love something then it is grotesque to be asked to celebrate its demise. Furthermore, the demand for change only ever works one way. The indigenous population is constantly urged to adapt to the ways of migrants, who seem allowed to import their lifestyles, customs and languages wholesale into Britain without any official challenge or disapproval.

Thanks to the twin malign forces of mass immigration and multi-culturalism,the scale of England's transformation is alarming. Though the collapse of our borders has made records unreliable, it is probable that more than 700,000 immigrants are arriving here every year.

Before the end of this decade the majority of London's residents will be from non-white ethnic groups. Other cities will soon follow. On even a conservative estimate, the indigenous population of England will be in a minority before the end of this century. And the pace of change is being accelerated by the ruthlessly enforced official ideology of cultural diversity, which holds that any manifestation of traditional patriotism is akin to racism.

It is often said that Labour's policy on immigration has been a failure. But for the ruling metropolitan elite it has been a huge success. The promotion of influxes of Third World and Eastern European migrants has been the central part of a deliberate strategy to change England for ever.

Full of loathing for their own country, Left-wingers recognised that they could not bring about their revolution by economic means after the downfall of communism. So instead they have cynically used mass immigration as a battering ram against old England--turning this once proud nation into little more than a landmass full of conflicting minorities.

Rupert Brooke wrote in his 1914 poem The Soldier of "some corner of a foreign field, that is forever England." Almost a century later the foreign fields are now filling up almost every corner of England itself.

- end of initial entry -
Karen W. writes from England:

Sadly this article is true. The country has been betrayed by successive traitorous politicians for the last 100 years. First they liberalised laws regarding nationality and then they liberalised laws regarding immigration. The first Mosque was built in London in the 1920s and since then, the ease with which aliens have been allowed to gain citizenship and immigrate here has been the main factor in the destruction of the country. Of the two errors, the granting of citizenship with political rights is the biggest disaster. Immigrants without rights could be thrown out and immigration without the chance of getting citizenship and benefits would be very much less attractive. The whole thing was planned from the start.
Parts of London (and even most of it) are looking Third World, totally alien and frightening. As usual McKinstry offers no solutions and without suggesting courses of action this is just depressing.