Monday, 3 September 2007

Reporter Comment

We receive many comments here at Kirklees Resistance HQ. Mostly positive, some negative but unlike the blogs who claim to 'fight fascism' we are (like the BNP) democratic and invite comment from all sides of the political spectrum providing comments aren't abusive which rules out the anti's as abuse is all they have. Anyway I digress. Like i say we receive all manner of comments some good and some not so good but the one below was such a well written and insightful would it seemed wasted in the comments section so i thought i print it in the main section. Thanks to never surrender for sending it. Cheers

The problem with the Dewsbury Reporter/Batley News group is that they are run by self-serving people at the top, who seek to undermine genuine journalistic facts to promote their own political agenda.

I remember reading the 'unbiased' Dewsbury Reporter, 1 or 2 weeks before the 2007 local elections. What struck me was the Reporter has a weekly column that the newspaper invites people to be a columnist for a weekly edition.

This particular column, titled the 'last word'. In the last word, one week it contained drivel from the notorious Carl 'Muppett' sorry Morphett.

It certainly was the last word. Morphett and the Reporter made sure of it. They guaranteed that Morphett spouted the same multi-cultural clap-trap that you read in obnoxious, national newspapers like the Daily Mirror and the Guardian.

Shamefully, not one weekly edition of the Reporter had a column that printed views from BNP councillors Auty, Exley, Roberts or even prospective candidates for the BNP to be included in the last word, leading up to the elections.

Were the Reporter found guilty of denying their readers fair, political balance?

Yes, they were found guilty, and should have been sentenced for the crime of unfair, but biased political reporting that was to sabotage the integrity of the BNP.

Reporter readers had ONLY one version to read from the last word column, which was to read anti BNP, pro New Labour, multi-cultural tosh.

This ghastly specimen in Morphett, actively campaigns on a full-time basis against the BNP. Morphett is part of the bullying, thuggish fringe of the New Labour party.

The same party that issued BNP leader Nick Griffin to stand up in court, and defend himself for simply mouthing the words 'wicked and vicious' in a realistic observation on the medieval Islam that threatens civilisation in Britain.

The mentality of Morphett is to portray himself to be a champion of democracy, and to highlight woefully that the BNP have no solutions in Britain of today.

Morphett highlights that he champions fascism, because he campaigns against a legal, political party in the BNP.

I've got one word for Morphett, and that shall be: HYPOCRITE!!!

1 comment:

sabretooth said...

Touching on what no surrender brilliantly wrote.

While low, rank and file newspaper staff are sympathetic towards being fair to reporting the truth.

Staff that come forward with a 'controversial' issue will be denied in covering a story, and therefore limits what an aspiring journalist can report.

The big wigs of a newspaper, whether it is national or local will always back down to political correct nonsense that stifles a honest, true reflection on a subject that rocks the boat.

Those issues are usually Islam, immigration, multi-culturalism and racist attacks on white people.

The media usually sweep these issues under the carpet, and because of their spineless approach.

Who suffers? It's you, the public, because problems of society never go away. They just keep coming back for more, and hit the public in the face, continually.

Newspapers should retrieve substance, and abandon spin. They should also, print facts, and not fiction. We need honesty, and less lies.

People attitudes need to change for society to improve. Otherwise, our lives will never change for the better.