The West in the 21st Century — Developed or Developing Nations?
Fjordman -
In the debate regarding how the relationship between the Old West, Europe, and the New West, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, will be in the 21st century, many observers seem to take for granted that much of Europe will fall to Islam, and that native Europeans will flee and resettle in the New West. There is, however, another scenario that is theoretically possible, but little discussed. What if the opposite happens? There are Europeans emigrating/fleeing to these nations already now, but I think they will discover once there that the problems they are fleeing from are already present in their new homelands. Some of them are even worse there, especially since many of those fleeing will be white, and they will discover that whites are rapidly diminishing as a factor in these countries and that hostility towards whites is rising.
I gave serious thought to emigrating to the USA or some other English-speaking country a couple of years ago. I don’t blame Europeans who do so, but for me personally, this seems like a less attractive proposition now than it was then. First of all because I believe there is still work to be done in Europe, and second of all because so far I can’t see that the countries of the New West are standing up to Muslims in a forceful way, either, with the possible exception of Australia. And finally, because I’m white, and the more I read about the situation in the USA, Canada and New Zealand the less I feel like moving there. Frankly, I’m not sure whether I see any future in being white in the USA. Maybe there is no point in moving from the Old West to the New West because most of our problems are shared for all Western nations. Indeed one could claim that the West is now recognized not so much by a shared civilizational legacy as by shared problems.
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We are definitely witnessing the end of the Western world order, as I’ve said before. That doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the West itself, although some pessimists do believe this, too. According to the blogger Conservative Swede, people of European origins will become the global Jews of the 21st century, moving around to whatever country will take them in, while Germany, Italy and Britain will be populated by Nigerians and Kurds:
- So what’s the future for people like me? Because even if I belong nowhere politically, I belong somewhere socially and ethnically. Well, the world is being homogenized. Tomorrow the whole world will be like the Third World. People like me, of European ethnicity, will have no home, no nation. We will live like the Jews as elites in other people’s nations (preferably a non-Muslim nation). This doesn’t scare me. The Jews have lived thusly for two thousand years. It’s a pity, but this is our destiny. This is what the Western Christians and liberals are working eagerly towards. This is what they are programmed to do. This is what they will achieve. I’ll let them have it. As an individual I cannot change this. The only thing I can do is to prepare myself for it. A good plan is to live as a ‘Jew’ in Catholic/Mestizo Latin America rather than a Muslim Europe, or the sinking Titanic of America. Even China looks like an option, in comparison.
There is some basis for claiming this, unfortunately. Our left-wing intellectuals love developing countries so much that they want us to become developing countries, too, a new form of rehashed global Communism. I recently read a column in Al-Guardian by Timothy Garton Ash, who also loves the European Union, hailing Brazil as the model for the future, where we are all merged into just one race, the human race. Multinational corporations want to erase borders to create one big world of capital, goods and consumers, and I’m pretty sure some members of our political elites are envious of the corrupt plutocrats ruling many Third Word nations.
Still, I think it’s a tad too pessimistic to resign to the inevitability of this scenario. Some countries will resist, perhaps successfully, and I’m not necessarily sure the English-speaking countries will come out on top. It has become custom in segments of the English-speaking blogosphere to bash the countries of continental Europe. Some of this is justified. France has led the creation of the EU, Eurabia and the European appeasement of Arabs, and they deserved to be bashed for it. However, if you look closely at the ideology of Multiculturalism, as I have done for some time now, you will notice that it wasn’t spread by France, where the ideal was never Multiculturalism but the assimilation of all groups equally into the secular French Republic. Not that that alternative worked out too well, either.
On the contrary, some writers such as Paul Gottfried have convincingly argued that Multiculturalism and identity politics, which are now eating away at the body of what once was Western civilization, were spread from the English-speaking countries, especially from the United States. This makes sense once you notice that the much-vaunted Anglosphere in fact leads the West in self-destruction. Canada is a Multicultural basket case, as is New Zealand. Britain, in particular England, the cradle of the Anglosphere, is one of the worst — some say the worst — countries in Western Europe, which leaves Australia and segments within the USA resisting their demise. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Canada and New Zealand cease being recognizably Western within this century, and the USA being divided into several countries, including perhaps one predominantly white nation incorporating parts of Canada. Australia could stand a better chance of pulling through, but we should remember that it is a demographically vulnerable nation that is geographically merely an extension of Asia.
I’m not sure whether most of Europe, even all of Western Europe, will fall to Islam in the end. Worst case scenario: Muslims will create several smaller Pakistans or Kosovos, for instance one stretching from parts of France via Belgium to the Netherlands, one in regions of England and another one in southern Sweden. The situation in France and England is difficult to predict. France does seem set to become a Muslim country by now, but it is also a nation with an unpredictable revolutionary legacy. England sometimes appears lost, but my gut feeling tells me that there is still some residue left of the old warrior spirit there, which means that they will put up a fight at some point. France and Britain now both face the choice between becoming Islamic or engage in devastating civil wars. This could, ironically, lead to the rise of Germany as the pre-eminent European power. The Germans have significant problems with immigration, too, as do pretty much all Western countries these days, but they are nowhere near as bad as those of the French and the British.
If the Anglosphere implodes in this century due to the Multicultural ideology that it has been promoting and championing, this leaves the possibility that some people of European origins in the New West will flee back to the newly liberated nations of Free Europe. On the global scale, the Sino-American rivalry predicted by many now could fail to materialize. Not necessarily because China won’t be strong enough to rival the US, but because the US — or whatever remains of the US at that point — won’t be strong enough to rival China.
Finally, one comment from Mikhail Paul:
- I have a mix of extreme pessimism and cautious optimism about the West. North America and England are already gone, as is New Zealand and pockets of Scandinavia— well in the process of demographic race replacement that’s irreversible at this point. But part of Europe is holding its own, especially the German lands, Finland, Denmark and Iceland, and (to my surprise) France, Spain, Portugal and Italy also coming through this. Belgium and the Netherlands could go either way, but seem now to be inclining more toward the self-preservationist tendencies of Finland and Germany rather than the PC self-destruction plan of North America and England. An independent Scotland and Wales may also join in, as will Ireland— Celtic languages like Irish Gaelic, Welsh and Scottish Gaelic, all but moribund today, will likely rebound, as these will be all that’s left of Britain as a Western nation. We do live in interesting times to say the very least.
We certainly do. Whatever the end result will be of this process, with Iraqis moving to Sweden and Swedes to Latin America, Chinese moving to Britain and Britons to Australia, Turks moving to Germany and Germans to the Unites States it is bound to be unsettling for a long time to come. Maybe I should move somewhere quiet to watch the whole mess from a distance, somewhere the masses won’t follow. What about Antarctica? Fjordman is a noted Norwegian blogger who has written for many conservative web sites. He used to have his own Fjordman Blog in the past, but it is no longer active.
1 comment:
Decapitations, botched decapitations, mutilations, burnings, torture. All against peaceful Buddhists:
And remember Beslan. Three years ago Muslims raped Christian children and forced them to drink their own urine while bayonetting their younger brothers and sisters:
Everything that is peaceful, beautiful, gentle and vulnerable seems to be a target for the sadistic hatred, destructiveness and vile lusts of these Islamic vermin.
What needs to be done to rid the world of these savages?
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