Thursday, 31 May 2007

Inside the Asylum

Don't know if anyone has been following the story of the 84 year old former Ghurkha and holder of the Victoria Cross, Tul Bahadur Pun who, has been refused asylum because he hasn't got 'strong ties' with the UK but for what it's worth i think the decision stinks.
But this is what we've come to expect from this scum Government.
In a day when they'll let practically anybody in provided they're the more of the following as possible: non white, muslim, a criminal, a druggie or Aids up to the tits, to refuse an old man who's served this country with such bravery is an absolute disgrace.
He should have just said he was a Muslim, had aids, 12 kids and hated the west, the marxist scum who run the country would have been breaking their backs to give him a passport.
Read the story here

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Nick Griffin on Newsnight

Nick Griffin

In case anyone missed it on Friday night here's another opportunity to see Nick Griffin take Leicester East MP and new Labour prick Keith Vaz to pieces.
Listen when Vaz says 'it is wonderful how this country has been transformed!' without the slightest hint of irony. Yeah it's brilliant living in a third world slum Keith, cheers for 'enriching' us
See it here

Yet another New Labour hypocrite

John Cruddas with a 'typical' Labour voter

Big surprise here. Another day and another Labour hypocrite comes to our attention. It would appear that once again a prominent Labour MP who denies the public more choice in education has decided that what's good enough for the plebs is not good enough for him.
Following in the tradition of other Labour hypocrites Diane Abbot and Ruth Kelly.
John Cruddas who claims to be a left winger has bought a half a million pound house in order to be closer to his offsprings school.
Read the full story here.
Cruddas recently criticised Margaret Hodge's call to give preference to British families wanting council houses.
He said 'the problem is not race but a lack of housing supply'. Bearing in mind that the indigenous population is actually shrinking and despite a lot of people choosing to live alone, the problem is not a lack of supply but, too much demand, putting housing at a premium. But how could we possibly reduce demand? Tough one that.

Saturday, 26 May 2007

Ethnic violence in Dewsbury

Muslim Women

Ethnic violence has once again erupted on the streets of Dewsbury this time between Hungarians (of all people) and (you’ve guessed it) Pakistani youths.

The latest violence in the Ravensthorpe area of town was said to have been caused by a Hungarian ‘touching’ a Muslim girl.

Although nobody seems clear on what form this ‘touching’ took. Was it a brush of the arm? Or perhaps a full on goose? Or did it (which seems the most likely) actually happen at all?

Was it more a case of the unfortunate Hungarians being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

The Police – predictably - have described it as an isolated incident. This follows on from last years week long ‘isolated incident’ where Iraqi Kurds and Pakistanis launched running battles armed with baseball bats and various other weapons.

These were apparently sparked by the Kurds pestering Pakistani girls for sex and the Pakistani youths were defending their honour. (Had it been white men defending white women’s honour then it would have been ‘violent racists on the rampage’ but there you go.)

Predictably the police are working closely with the 'community' in Ravensthorpe to find out what happened. We wouldn't want the 'community' getting upset now would we? That would never do.

Councillor Khizar Iqbal who, along with two other Asian councillors represents Dewsbury South has said that ‘the Ravensthorpe community may need to be looked at’.

I agree entirely but I doubt my solution would have much in common with his.

The joys of diversity don't you just love it?

Full report here

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Desperately seeking Saeeda

Gideon Bull
(nice hair sweetie)

A report appeared in a number of newspapers in January that raised a few eyebrows for those around Dewsbury MP Shahid Malik

It referred to Malik's ‘search’ or should we say his father’s search for a wife for his son.

It seems that Shahid' despite approaching his fortieth birthday is still to find himself a potential wife and Malik senior - feeling somewhat worried - was employing the services of one Allama Gee, known as the Pakistani Jerry Springer, who has some chat show or other on a London based Pakistani channel. (No i never realised there was one either, so much for integration!)

One would imagine that despite Mr Malik being pot ugly, a prick and surrounding himself with retards he’d still manage to be able to find a willing Muslim woman to marry - given the vast amount these MP's receive in pay and expenses and the numerous trips to Pakistan (all at our expense) and the fact that he's never off the tv (telling some fawning reporter or other some load of bollocks) but no, it would appear that he’s had no luck whatsoever in that department.

Or at least if he has he's being very quiet and secretive about it. In fact no one can ever recall him having a girlfriend or much caring for female company.

If Shahid would like to get in touch we’d love to hear how your search is going by the way.

In the meantime if you're still struggling could we suggest that you visit one of the many singles nights in the London borough of Haringey, where you seem to be spending a lot of your time.

(Haringey for the uninitiated is a shit tip in North London which if you knew no better you would think was somewhere in sub Saharan Africa.)

Anyway Shahid if you feel a bit nervous about going by yourself you could always take your ‘good’ friend and Haringey Labour councillor and fellow singleton Gideon Bull but don’t forget to mention it to your dad i'm sure he'd like to know you're doing all you can to find a nice wife.

Daily Mail report here

Apostates of Islam

Muslims - a great set of lads!

Came across a good website called apostates of Islam which is a website populated by brave people who have left Islam for one reason or another, usually because they’ve realised what a backward belief system it is.

I use the word brave because as we all know the ‘punishment’ from ‘the religion of peace’ to anyone daring enough to demonstrate a bit of intellectual freedom in rejecting the teachings of Islam is of course death.

Anyway have a look here and see what you think.

Saturday, 19 May 2007

Shahid Malik leaving?

Rumours abound that Shahid Malik the Muslim MP for Dewsbury (pictured right during the Muslim riots in Burnley) is to quit for a safer seat. Malik was shipped in from his native Burnley in 2005 in order to attract the huge local Asian vote after the former Dewsbury MP Ann Taylor stepped down after rumours about her private life.

Boundary changes could put his ‘safe’ seat at risk bearing in mind he will be losing Heckmondwike and gaining heavily Conservative Denby Dale and Kirkburton.

He’s already managed to turn Labour’s 50 per cent share of the vote in 2001 into a 40 per cent share in 2005. That coupled with his unpopularity (with even the Asian population beginning to see through him) could see Labour losing the seat.
When Malik first won the seat he addressed his supporters in Urdu – not what one would expect from someone who claims to be so very British and so very proud of the fact- and guaranteed the get white peoples backs up.
It also doesn't help that he surrounds himself with people like the thuggish Dewsbury East councillor Eric Firth and notorious alleged druggie Terry McKay. The very same Terry McKay (or 'teggs' to those unlucky enough to know him well) who threatened to burn down the offices of the Press Newspaper when they dared to print an interview with local BNP man Nick Cass. Don't they just love democracy these luvvie commie types? He was also outside Batley town hall with his loud hailer trying to whip the locals up into a frenzy when BNP councillor David Exley was first elected in Heckmondwike.
It wasn't good enough that the people of Heckmondwike had elected Councillor Exley, teggsie didn't like it!
My first thoughts were good riddance but on reflection it would be better if he stayed and Labour lost the seat at the next election which would seem likely.
They may be able to fiddle the Dewsbury vote but they’ll find it more difficult in the white areas outside Dewsbury so please stay Shahid.

Read the full article here.

Trevor Phillips and his love of Communist Murderers

In 2003, one or two newspapers and internet newsgroups took note of a particular report only for it to disappear just as swiftly. This is a pity, for it said almost all one needs to know about the loathsomeness of much of our contemporary Establishment and the 'anti-racist' religion in particular.
The following appeared in Andrew Pierce
s Peoplecolumn in TheTimes, 29th May 2003, p8Trevor Phillips, the head of the Campaign for Racial Equality,has revealed in the Irish Post why a bust of Lenin sits on his desk. Its there as a reminder. . . Just because the Soviet experiment failed, we should not throw everything Lenin did out the window. Just what did Mr Phillips have in mind? Perhaps the capture of the apparatus of the State by a minority of collectivist extremists and the subsequent extinction of individual liberty in the name of the good of the many? Even so, one doubts one hopes! - that Mr Phillips would go so far as advocating the physical liquidation of the bourgeoisie and anyone else deemed enemies of the people”…

One could hardly wish for a more perfect example of the asymmetry of treatment of communism and fascism. Imagine the uproar if a leading British politician and member of the Great and Good announced the he kept a bust of Hitler,Franco, or Mussolini on his desk. Just because the Nazi/Falangist/Fascist experiment failed, we should not throw everything Hitler/Franco/Mussolini did out the window.A career abruptly terminated?

It was Lenin, not Stalin, who first set up and led one of the most monstrously evil regimes that the world has ever seen, one that was ultimately responsible for around 30,000,000+ deaths in the former Soviet Union alone. That a man who expresses even a scintilla of sympathy for such a tyrant and his works can rise to a position of influence in this country at the start of the 21st century is terrifying indeed.

Multi Culturalism

Excellent piece here at gates of vienna. All about multi culturalism and it's efforts to break down European civilisation and the established order at all costs. Although i don't intend this blog to be solely a link to other blogs i think this is an excellent piece and well worth reading.

Friday, 18 May 2007

About us

This is a website set up to counter the pathetic name calling, exaggerations, misrepresentations and downright lies of various anti British groups such as the Labour funded Kirklees Unity.

All comments are welcome including ones that disagree with the views published as long they are not abusive (it's known as democracy - i know it's a dirty word for the facist Labour funded anti-BNP scum but there you go) .
Let’s see if the Marxist hypocrites are capable of rising above the name calling mentality of the playground in order to point out the flaws in our arguments

Somehow I doubt it.