Saturday, 19 May 2007

Trevor Phillips and his love of Communist Murderers

In 2003, one or two newspapers and internet newsgroups took note of a particular report only for it to disappear just as swiftly. This is a pity, for it said almost all one needs to know about the loathsomeness of much of our contemporary Establishment and the 'anti-racist' religion in particular.
The following appeared in Andrew Pierce
s Peoplecolumn in TheTimes, 29th May 2003, p8Trevor Phillips, the head of the Campaign for Racial Equality,has revealed in the Irish Post why a bust of Lenin sits on his desk. Its there as a reminder. . . Just because the Soviet experiment failed, we should not throw everything Lenin did out the window. Just what did Mr Phillips have in mind? Perhaps the capture of the apparatus of the State by a minority of collectivist extremists and the subsequent extinction of individual liberty in the name of the good of the many? Even so, one doubts one hopes! - that Mr Phillips would go so far as advocating the physical liquidation of the bourgeoisie and anyone else deemed enemies of the people”…

One could hardly wish for a more perfect example of the asymmetry of treatment of communism and fascism. Imagine the uproar if a leading British politician and member of the Great and Good announced the he kept a bust of Hitler,Franco, or Mussolini on his desk. Just because the Nazi/Falangist/Fascist experiment failed, we should not throw everything Hitler/Franco/Mussolini did out the window.A career abruptly terminated?

It was Lenin, not Stalin, who first set up and led one of the most monstrously evil regimes that the world has ever seen, one that was ultimately responsible for around 30,000,000+ deaths in the former Soviet Union alone. That a man who expresses even a scintilla of sympathy for such a tyrant and his works can rise to a position of influence in this country at the start of the 21st century is terrifying indeed.