Saturday, 19 May 2007

Shahid Malik leaving?

Rumours abound that Shahid Malik the Muslim MP for Dewsbury (pictured right during the Muslim riots in Burnley) is to quit for a safer seat. Malik was shipped in from his native Burnley in 2005 in order to attract the huge local Asian vote after the former Dewsbury MP Ann Taylor stepped down after rumours about her private life.

Boundary changes could put his ‘safe’ seat at risk bearing in mind he will be losing Heckmondwike and gaining heavily Conservative Denby Dale and Kirkburton.

He’s already managed to turn Labour’s 50 per cent share of the vote in 2001 into a 40 per cent share in 2005. That coupled with his unpopularity (with even the Asian population beginning to see through him) could see Labour losing the seat.
When Malik first won the seat he addressed his supporters in Urdu – not what one would expect from someone who claims to be so very British and so very proud of the fact- and guaranteed the get white peoples backs up.
It also doesn't help that he surrounds himself with people like the thuggish Dewsbury East councillor Eric Firth and notorious alleged druggie Terry McKay. The very same Terry McKay (or 'teggs' to those unlucky enough to know him well) who threatened to burn down the offices of the Press Newspaper when they dared to print an interview with local BNP man Nick Cass. Don't they just love democracy these luvvie commie types? He was also outside Batley town hall with his loud hailer trying to whip the locals up into a frenzy when BNP councillor David Exley was first elected in Heckmondwike.
It wasn't good enough that the people of Heckmondwike had elected Councillor Exley, teggsie didn't like it!
My first thoughts were good riddance but on reflection it would be better if he stayed and Labour lost the seat at the next election which would seem likely.
They may be able to fiddle the Dewsbury vote but they’ll find it more difficult in the white areas outside Dewsbury so please stay Shahid.

Read the full article here.

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