Thursday, 12 July 2007

Bombers not guilty.

The two former members of the BNP in Lancashire accused of conspiracy to cause explosions with intent to endanger life were today found not guilty at Manchester Crown Court.
Once again a politically motivated show trial failed to pull the wool over the eyes of the 12 good and honest men of the jury. No wonder New Labour are so keen to end trial by jury.
Read the full story here.


Anonymous said...

Not forgetting Cottage has pleaded
GUILTY to possession of explosives and is still on remand.

BNP members are used to prison though

Bovis said...

Yes he has, thats true, but there's a world away from possessing something as a defence rather than planning an attack.
BNP members are no more used to prison than anyone else in any of the 3 main parties.
Another Kirklees Unity myth.
Why not try pulling our policies to pieces like we do with yours Morphett?
I think we all know the answer to that one.