Monday, 23 July 2007

Interview with Ralph Peters

A quote from Ralph Peters a retired US Lieutenant Colonel in an interview at Frontpage Mag, 19 July 2007

What are the roots of the terror being perpetrated against us?

Peters: The utter failure of Islamic civilization between Morocco and Pakistan. The Islamic world's values, traditions, structures and practices are thoroughly uncompetitive in the 21st century (and already were in the last century). All that they hold dear holds them back. Islamists and their sympathizers are humiliated by their self-wrought failures, angry at our success, sick with jealousy, and desperately in need of a hot date. The greater Middle East is one vast psycho-ward. And no, I'm not being flippant or exaggerating--the region's Muslim societies are mentally and morally diseased.

Hatred is satisfying. Revenge (even against the innocent) is gratifying. And death is a release from the miseries of a failed existence. As a result--as I've remarked over the years--we face ruthless killers who regard death as a promotion. But, of course, our leaders assure us that religion has nothing to do with any of this.


Aberdeen-Patriot said...

Hard hitting but yet just so, so truthful. The more you find about Islam and the other wonderful failures of the Multi-racial experiment, the more you wonder why we are not walking into parliment.

Anonymous said...

What's written there is utter nonsense. The terrorists and their supporters have made it quite clear why they are attacking us, and they've never mentioned that they're "angry at our success" or "sick with jealousy." They might, however, have occasionally given a mention to Western foreign policy, to which they and their people are the primary victims?

Islam has traditionally been a more tolerant religion that Christianity -- although admittedly that isn't saying much. The idea that "Christian values" include freedom of speech or religious toleration is absolutely laughable. That's one of my main problems with the BNP. There is much that is evil about Islam, I concur, but nothing uniquely evil.

The real threat does not come from foreign religions, or even foreign peoples, but from our own institutions.

Bovis said...

This piece has nothing whatsoever to do with the BNP it's an interview with a retired US Army Officer but there are a few good points in there.
The reason the Islamists attack us is merely a continutaion of their 1400 year Jihad against the West, not solely jealously but that comes into it, they need an enemy and we're it.
Read the interview with the former Jihadist Hassan Butt titled 'Muslim heads buried firmly in the sand'that i posted earlier for a good insight .
You claim that Islam is evil but not uniquely so, well that's ok then. I've never yet met a Christian fundamentalist but i've met hundreds of Muslim ones i know that a good number of them symaphise with terrorism.
By the way the BNP also oppose the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
And for the record i'm an atheist as are a good number of BNP members