Saturday 11 August 2007

More 'Asian' grooming of white girls

Another report here (this time in the Times newspaper) looking at the problem of the racist paedophile grooming of white girls by 'Asian' males. Although the word Asian is a bit of a misnomer bearing in mind the people that are doing the grooming are defined by their religion not their nationality and are overwhelming Muslim and not Hindu or Japanese or Buddhists or Nepalese.
Suppose they're only following in the footsteps of the founder of their religion - the paedophile Mohammed.
The report highlights something the BNP have warned about for years although as usual when we raised the matter we were called racist, liars etc.
It looks at what the BNP have been saying for years - that the grooming of white girls by Muslims is a huge problem and one that is ignored by the liberal establishment and the police for fear of being labelled racist. And is nothing less than the sacrifice of our children in the name of political correctness.
Even Ann Cryer who relies on the Muslim vote to get elected has spoken out and said; "I think there is a problem with the view Asian men generally have about white women. Their view about white women is generally fairly low. They do not seem to understand that there are white girls as moral and as good as Asian girls."
Read the report here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Islam IS a paedophile ring.