Thursday, 31 May 2007

Inside the Asylum

Don't know if anyone has been following the story of the 84 year old former Ghurkha and holder of the Victoria Cross, Tul Bahadur Pun who, has been refused asylum because he hasn't got 'strong ties' with the UK but for what it's worth i think the decision stinks.
But this is what we've come to expect from this scum Government.
In a day when they'll let practically anybody in provided they're the more of the following as possible: non white, muslim, a criminal, a druggie or Aids up to the tits, to refuse an old man who's served this country with such bravery is an absolute disgrace.
He should have just said he was a Muslim, had aids, 12 kids and hated the west, the marxist scum who run the country would have been breaking their backs to give him a passport.
Read the story here

1 comment:

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

Its a disgrace, as an ex squaddie who served with the Ghurkhas I know how loyal and dedicated they are to Britain.

The fool who made this decision should be deported himself and space made for this brave man, a man who is a British Patriot.