Saturday, 26 May 2007

Ethnic violence in Dewsbury

Muslim Women

Ethnic violence has once again erupted on the streets of Dewsbury this time between Hungarians (of all people) and (you’ve guessed it) Pakistani youths.

The latest violence in the Ravensthorpe area of town was said to have been caused by a Hungarian ‘touching’ a Muslim girl.

Although nobody seems clear on what form this ‘touching’ took. Was it a brush of the arm? Or perhaps a full on goose? Or did it (which seems the most likely) actually happen at all?

Was it more a case of the unfortunate Hungarians being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

The Police – predictably - have described it as an isolated incident. This follows on from last years week long ‘isolated incident’ where Iraqi Kurds and Pakistanis launched running battles armed with baseball bats and various other weapons.

These were apparently sparked by the Kurds pestering Pakistani girls for sex and the Pakistani youths were defending their honour. (Had it been white men defending white women’s honour then it would have been ‘violent racists on the rampage’ but there you go.)

Predictably the police are working closely with the 'community' in Ravensthorpe to find out what happened. We wouldn't want the 'community' getting upset now would we? That would never do.

Councillor Khizar Iqbal who, along with two other Asian councillors represents Dewsbury South has said that ‘the Ravensthorpe community may need to be looked at’.

I agree entirely but I doubt my solution would have much in common with his.

The joys of diversity don't you just love it?

Full report here


Unknown said...

A nice piece of work. More please.

Barnsley Nationalist said...

Hi to all @ Kirklees.

We think your solution would be better too!

Keep up the fight.

Regards from all @ Barnsley Nationalists

Anonymous said...


Viewed rationally, Islam is a non-starter. Its 'Holy' Book consists of half-digested fragments of Judeo-Christian theology, mixed with the bile of hatred, and spewed into the fair face of Christendom from the putrifying guts of a violent, deceitful, plundering pedophile. The Koran is full of historical, scientific and logical errors and even contradicts itself on numerous occasions. Not exactly the work of a Supreme Intellect!

And yet Muslims claim that these demented ramblings and rantings are the literal word of God Almighty, to be treated with utmost respect. They throw enormous tantrums when Korans are left in toilets or returned to libraries with bacon-rashers as bookmarks. In the Islamic paradise of Pakistan, damaging a Koran or insulting The Pedophile are punishable by death.

To understand Islam we need to look at the most primitive organisational state of mankind - Tribalism.

If we regard the Ummah as a tribe, and the Koran, the Pedophile and the Black Meteorite as the tribe's three main totems, we begin to get a better understanding of Islam. A tribe derives its identity and unity by displays of reverence towards supernatural totems, and feels insecure and threatened whenever the power of its totems is weakened, for example by the totems being 'humiliated' or 'polluted' . One of the surest ways of demoralising a tribe has always been to desecrate its totems.

This explains the rage at the Motoons, and the 'hate crime' of the Koran down the toilet. It also explains why the Saudi authorities made such a fuss when they found a Christian in Mecca. The precincts of the Holy Meteorite had been defiled by a najis kaffir.

Tribal culture and psychology are difficult for civilised people to understand. Most parts of Western Europe have not been organised tribally since the Dark Ages, so it's difficult to get inside Muslim mind and understand just how primitive and benighted are the psychological processes that go on there. For example:

- A tribe regards itself as perpetually at war with all other tribes - hence the Muslim worldview of Dar a-Harb in conflict with Dar al-Islam, and Ummah in conflict with Kaffir.

- The property and women of other tribes are there for the taking. Might is right - hence the Jizya, Razzia, white slaving etc which are all justified by the Koran. Tribalism also explains the chants of 'We will take your wives for booty' at the London Motoons demonstration - this is the typical behavior of the stone age savage.

- The ethics of reciprocity (do as you would be done by) only apply within the tribe. Hence the lack of any Golden Rule in Islam. The nearest you get to the Golden Rule in the Koran is desiring for your brother Muslim ('kin-selection') what you desire for yourself - in other words share out the booty equally.

- Loyalty to the tribe is of paramount importance - hence the punishment of death for apostates.

- The tribe must not mingle with other tribes or else it may lose its identity - hence the self-imposed ghettoisation and ethnic cleansing of Kaffirs from the periphery of the ghetto as seen in European cities.

- There is a great desire to destroy or humiliate the totems of other tribes, especially where they have phallic significance - hence the attack on the twin towers, and the plans for the MegaMosque whose minarets will be taller than any Christian building.

Muslims in the modern world are living fossils, though like dinosaurs suddenly set down on the streets of London, none the less dangerous for being so primitive. Islam appeals to the lowest and basest instincts of man, and in the absence of a strong, confident modern culture will gradually reduce its host society to a disfunctional state of anarchy where Islam can gain the upper hand.

Tribalism makes it impossible to defeat Islam by reason or appeals to decency. The Koran, the Pedophile and the Meteorite are not capable of being examined rationally or ethically - they are pre-rational symbols of tribal cohesion. And when that tribe is on a roll , and believes itself to be the strongest and fastest growing tribe winning the Jihad against all the rest, no rational argument will persuade its warriors to abandon the winning side.

The Ummah may eventually have an 'Emperor's New Clothes Moment', but it will not come about by reviewing the evidence for a flat earth in the Koran. It is more likely to happen by military defeat in a European Civil War or World War III.

Anonymous said...


You couldn't make this stuff up in a million years:

"Gomaa himself is the author of a controversial book which claimed that Prophet Mohammed’s (PBUH) companions used to drink his urine, considering it a blessed act, as reported by Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper.

Gomaa stuck to his position despite criticism, claiming that everything which emanated from the Prophet is pure and sacred."


BTW Isn't this sort of activity generally regarded as a perversion known as 'urolagnia' ?

P.S. Did Mohammed's companions drink it after he'd peed into a pot, or did they suck at the pink Ayesha-fragrant fountainhead ....