Sunday, 26 August 2007

Best market in the land?

In a follow up to the story regarding Marks and Spencer and it’s decision to pull out of Dewsbury after a hundred years of trading.

Anyone who lives in or has had the dubious pleasure of visiting Dewsbury will know that the town centre is an awful, dirty, threatening place and that the market in particular resembles a third world bartering den that basically sells tat, so it came as quite a shock when it was voted ‘best outdoor market in the country’ a decision that probably owes more to it ticking the right boxes with regard to racial 'make up' and 'diversity' in today’s increasingly politically correct, totalitarian climate - rather than it having anyting to do with such petty considerations as selling anything useful or any traditionally British produce and goods that British markets were once famous for.
Anyway it would appear I’m not the only one to have such heretical thoughts and opinions as these three letters from the local newspaper the Press show.

The following letter was originally printed in last weeks edition of the Press the other two were in this weeks.

From: Wendy Senior, Dewsbury

Dear Sir,

This is the last straw! The only decent store we have leaving Dewsbury after almost 100 years trading there.
Kirklees Council are at fault for this. Look at the shops gone from Dewsbury: Co-op, Bickers, Hudsons and Strawberry Fair. Also five cinemas and a theatre – the lovely Empire.
Then there was our hospital, paid for by Dewsbury businessmen, pulled down and houses built on the land.
Look at Huddersfield; compare it with Dewsbury. Where is our Council Tax going?
Dewsbury was such a lovely town; now we have a market resembling Bangladesh, women in burkhas and men in pyjamas. Ravensthorpe and Savile Town have problems with Iraqis and Pakistanis. Who is putting them there?
Dewsbury Hospital is being down-graded by Pontefract and Pinderfields Hospitals taking money intended for Dewsbury.
Why do Dewsbury people have to pay exorbitant parking charges when Batley, Mirfield and Heckmondwike car parks are free?
So, what do we do about this... nothing?
Or do we make a fuss. I will be outside Marks & Spencer on Wednesday August 22 from 11am collecting signatures to save our store.
Also, a petition to leave Kirklees and return to our own council. This is the only way to save Dewsbury.
Any offers of help will be welcome.

From: Mr RL Rowbottom, Dewsbury

Dear Sir,

I agree entirely with the views of Wendy Senior describing the state of Dewsbury and the description of Dewsbury market resembling Bangladesh.

I cannot think of any town within a 30-mile radius offering as little as Dewsbury does and I do not blame Marks & Spencer for leaving a sinking ship. I can’t imagine any reputable business ever wanting to move to Dewsbury.

I cannot understand how the market was voted ‘best outdoor market in the country’ compared to those such as Barnsley which is a far more traditional English market. I also can’t believe anyone who visits by coach trip will ever want to come again.

Regarding the burkha, can anyone explain why they are more prominent in the town centre and Savile Town as opposed to Ravensthorpe?

On a recent holiday in Tunisia – it has a with a 95 per cent plus Muslim population – the occupants of the nearby city were dressed more Westernised than you see in Dewsbury, and there was not one burkha in sight.

I do not think I would last long if I wore a white hood with just my eyes visible.

I am now retired and was born and bred in Dewsbury and have enjoyed many good times before the bad publicity arrived, and, I am sorry to say, that I now find this town the absolute pits.

From: Name and address supplied

Dear Sir,

Why the big fuss about Marks & Spencer quitting Dewsbury? It’s not that much of a shock, is it?

They’re only doing what a growing number of Dewsbury’s original inhabitants are contemplating. I’ve lived the majority of my life within four or five miles of Dewsbury town centre but it’s somewhere I avoid these days.

In fact the last time I visited was at Christmas to do a bit of last minute shopping, and I vowed at the time that I’d not visit the place again. I had the kids with me and they’ve not been since either.

My wife hasn’t been to the market for years and on the rare occasions she does go to Dewsbury she restricts herself to Sainsbury’s. Our experience is that we feel alienated in our own town. We feel we don’t belong any more.

Dewsbury is in the process of becoming a foreign country and, like Marks & Spencer, our intention is to quit the area as soon as we can.

According to council leader Robert Light, £80 million has been ‘invested’ in Dewsbury, and that may be so, but it’s still a tatty, alienating place and my guess is it will only get worse


Barnsley Nationalist said...

I wished the people of Barnsley would realise what is going on in one of our neighbouring towns. People must wake up and vote for the only Party that will do something about the current problems we are facing.

However I am interested in the M&S situation you have in Dewsbury, with M&S originally owned by Jews and I dare say it still has Jewish connections, (it is a known fact that Muslims hate the Jewish), does the Muslim community there still use the store or is its closure another thing we must face because of the islamification of our once great country?

Bovis said...

It's almost as though it has to happen to 'your' town before people start voting for us. How else will they know what the reality of 'diversity' is?
They say a wise man learns from others mistakes but a fool learns from his own.Unfortunately the British people like to choose the latter path.
But it's heartening to think that in Dewsbury our vote went up despite increasing numbers of whites leaving the town and increasing numbers of Asians reaching voting age and moving in and despite the usual Labour vote rigging. If i were you in Barnsley in particular i'd just keep undermining the Labour vote by pointing out their blatant hypocrisy. Never miss an opportunity. It's happened round here and the only people who vote for them are muslims.