Monday, 13 August 2007

Guantanamo Bay Five

In an attempt to appease the Bush haters and anti Americans within his treacherous little party Gordon Brown has put the safety of the British people at risk by calling for the release of five men from Guantanamo Bay.
The men are all considered as terrorist threats by the Americans but were unfortunately British residents at the time of their arrests.
Despite the fact that none of the men are British nationals and none were even living in this country at the time of their arrests Brown and his Government have called for their release.
Why? What the hell do we want them here for?
Apart from the fact that they are all confirmed enemies of the west and terrorist suspects it's going to cost us £7.5 million pounds a year to monitor them! And that's on top of the council house's they'll be given and every benefit you can think of.
You can just imagine the scenario, as soon as their plane touches down they'll be treated like returning hero's. They'll be fawned all over by the media and especially the BBC who'll hang onto their every word. They'll most likely have an hour long special made about their lives and their 'unfair and unjust' incarceration in which any awkward questions will be skirted over - for which they'll receive a fat pay cheque and that's on top of any huge compensation payout they'll likely get for the infringement of their 'human rights'.
If these people do commit any terrorist acts then Brown and his cronies will have blood on their hands and should be held personally responsible.
Read the story here.


Aberdeen-Patriot said...

Its just sheer lunacy allowing these people the right to come to Britain, they should be put back to one of their Mudslime countries with a pig tattooed across their backs, and the lords prayer across their chest. Madness absolute madness

Anonymous said...

Hey Yank! Vote Tancredo!

Tom Tancredo : “Nuke Mecca and Medina in the Event of a Nuclear Attack on the US.

“That is what they want, that is what they are looking for, to end Western civilization as we know it.”

IOWAPOLITICS.COM: OSCEOLA — Followers of radical Islam must be deterred from committing a nuclear attack on U.S. soil, Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo said Tuesday morning, saying that as president he would take drastic measures to prevent such attacks.

“If it is up to me, we are going to explain that an attack on this homeland of that nature would be followed by an attack on the holy sites in Mecca and Medina,” the GOP presidential candidate said.

“That is the only thing I can think of that might deter somebody from doing what they would otherwise do. If I am wrong fine, tell me, and I would be happy to do something else. But you had better find a deterrent or you will find an attack. There is no other way around it. There have to be negative consequences for the actions they take. That’s the most negative I can think of.”

The harsh approach is vital in order to prevent a worldwide collapse, Tancredo told nearly 30 people Tuesday morning at the Family Table restaurant.