Friday, 31 August 2007

Reporter Group Newspapers in decline

A heartening piece of news in this weeks Press newspaper reports on the Dewsbury Reporter newspaper's continued decline in sales.
In the first 6 months of the year sales were down 7.6 per cent to 12,005 copies per week.
The Reporter's sister paper - the Batley News - has seen a similar decline with sales down 4.2 per cent to below 9,000 copies per week.
And long may it continue!
Finally local people are seeing the Reporter group for what they are and voting with their feet.

For years the only papers in the area was provided by the Labour supporting Reporter Group and for years we had their unique take on the news. We were presented - not with a cross section of local news, relevant to the area but a distorted, selective reporting of the news designed to fit in with their Liberal sensibilities
For example any letter that was anti immigration or anti multi culturalism was simply not printed, whereas pro ones would be printed every time. Asian on White racist attacks were deemed 'not newsworthy' and ignored but White on Asian crime would be front page news.
Then along came a new kid on the block - The Press.
The Press newspaper was started in 2001 by Danny Lockwood an ex Reporter editor and from the beginning was like a breath of fresh air and continues to go from strength to strength. Rather than having a political agenda, it reported and continues to report on all the news and presents views from all ends of the political spectrum regardless of who may object.
The local Labour career politicians absolutely hate the newspaper because of its impartial stance.
MP for Batley Mike Wood in his usual mature, adult manner refuses to speak to them at all and the Dewsbury Labour MP Shahid Malik is currently in the process of suing them for their reporting of an incident in Savile Town, where Jonathan Scott the Tory candidate for Dewsbury South was threatened by local Muslim youths at the 2006 local elections.
How New Labour despise the truth!
And they're not alone. When the Press printed an interview with local organiser Nick Cass one of the Kirklees Unity (an anti BNP group) members, a one Terry McKay (who stinks by the way) was so incensed that he threatened to burn down their offices.
So not only are more and more local people voting BNP, more and more of them are seeing through and rejecting the lies and distorted PC nonsense spewed out by the likes of the Reporter group.
And long may it continue.
Read the Press here

1 comment:

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

They are as bad as the horrible Mirror group I take great delight in destroying as much of ther papers as possible in newsagents.

They are lying scum.