Friday, 29 June 2007

Can the Tories ever win another election?

Hoodie Hugger Cameron

Peter Hitchens who writes for the Daily Mail must be one of this country's most talented and insightful political writers.
Here he writes an excellent piece about the Tory party and its transformation from the traditional defender of British values (albeit fake) into a party that believes in nothing yet everything and asks whether it can ever be elected again.
He talks about how the left love them because they are so hopeless yet prevent -in the words of lefty political journalist Peter Kellner- a more xenophobic far right nationalist party from filling the void (wonder which party he could be referring to?)
Hitchens rightly points out that 'far-right', 'xenophobic' and 'nationalist' is just the jargon that Labour Party people like Mr Kellner use to describe those who want to leave the European Union, those who don't want mass immigration and those who think that criminals should be punished, in other words the BNP! (Such nasty people we are wanting all those nice criminal people punished! That would never do!)
I've got news for the likes of Mr Kellner, we are filling that void and quickly. At one time the BNP was confined to certain regions of England now we're present in almost every town in every country in the United Kingdom and we're growing bigger and stronger every day so watch out!
Read the story here

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