Just to follow up on the story of the 84 year old former Ghurkha Tul Bahadur Pun who was originally refused asylum comes the story of Hassan Abdi, a 22 year old Somalian asylum seeker, who was yesterday sentenced to 5 life sentences for snatching a 24 year old barmaid off the street and raping her repeatedly in a 2 and a half hour ordeal which finally ended with him spitting in her mouth and stealing her money and mobile phone.
This is the kind of person that, had it not been for this offence would have in all probability been granted asylum and probably will be granted it upon his release from jail, even though the judge recommended that he be deported after finishing his sentence.
I can’t for the life in me see how the immigration services can reach the decision that a man who fought in the war for this country with such bravery to earn the Victoria Cross can be denied asylum because he has no ‘strong ties’ to this country yet a black Muslim from Africa can be allowed to stay her for 10 years and just break the law at will with no come back whatsoever. What ‘strong ties’ has he got?
Apparently this Somalian character can’t apply for parole for 5 whole years…wow! Is a life sentence a year now?
I’d like to ask what the hell he was doing here in the first place bearing in mind he originally came her in 1997 which is 10 years ago and he was convicted of indecent assault in 2000 and robbery in 2005. Why was he not deported when he broke the law? Why was he even admitted here bearing in mind the UN mandate that states refugees must seek refuge in the nearest non hostile country? Why are we allowing animals like this to roam our streets?
The young woman, who was raped, was described as being reduced from being a sociable, outgoing and confident lady to somebody who now suffers panic attacks.
Her social life has been ruined and there are other side effects as well.
Yet another British person’s life ruined for the sake of proving the anti racist credentials of the most corrupt and sordid government in history.
I hope the scum of Kirklees Unity and all the rest are proud of themselves. How the fuck you sleep on a night i've not idea.
But beware our day will come.
Read the full story here and the Politically Correct BBC version here
These people have no ideology. Morphett was quizzed at a party about where he was sending his daughter to school when she grew up.
Now you would think Birkdale or Westborough, both have a big majority Asian population. His daughter could integrate with the lovely Asian boys and Carl could have a little Ahmed for a son in law and little Ahmed's for grand children.
Guess what he said St John Fishers, the hideously white Catholic school. When quizzed why the hypocrisy and why didnt he want for himself what he wanted for others he fumbled and couldnt answer.
Total hypocrite.
Whats worring as well is most of these beasts have aids and this is a good way of getting back at the west. That poor gitrl her life ruined by the Marxist liberal multi-cult supporters. This did not need to happen.
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