Saturday, 2 June 2007

Sleepwalking into segregation?

(there is a white kid there if you look closely)

Interesting piece in yesterdays Daily Mail by Andrew Alexander which i couldn't find a link to anywhere so i'm typing it myself.
It's about the fact that our schools are supposedly 'sleepwalking' into racial segregation Sleepwalking would not be the word I would use in fact i'm sure most people reading this blog are only too aware of what is happening and the disaster that awaits unless we stem the flow of mass immigration.
The only people doing the sleepwalking are the idiots at Kirklees unity, the various other 'anti-fascist' cretins and the politcal establishment.
No-one in the BNP, in common with most people with a brain are 'sleepwalking' into anything.
Anyway this is the piece put much better than i ever could...

'Rip Van Winkle's record for sleeping has not yet been challenged, but the Brtish political establishment is coming up fast on the inside. Government figures, runs the alarmed report, show that schools in areas of high immigration are being dominated by 'race'.
We are sleepwalking towards segregated schools, laments former Labour schools minister Stephen Byers.
It has been a very long slumber. It was clear from the time that immigration became a major issue -the late fifties- what would happen. Not many Sikhs, Hindus and Moslems have migrated to Britain (and sought brides and bridegrooms from the Subcontinent) expressly to transmute into dark-skinned Britons. They form their own communities and thus may entirely dominate their local schools.
Grammar schools, by the way, selecting on ability, could help diminish segregation. But such schools, though they might help social and racial mobility, are, of course now derided.
The prospect of segregated schools comes as no surprise to most voters, profoundly against mass immigration for decades and anything but asleep.
Only the political establishment slumbered on claiming there would be no serious problem.
You see, said eager fools -rather patronisingly- the immigrants would be so keen to integrate. We would be a succesful melting pot. The only thing melting now is the pot.'

When will the idiots who run the establishment realise that to prefer one's own is human nature and the only likely outcome of mass immigration is the segregation, fragmentation and eventual breakdown of what is an already morally bankrupt society?

1 comment:

The Green Arrow said...

You have an excellent style. It deserves a wider audience. You should start liaising with other sites and getting more links.