Sunday, 24 June 2007

Trevor McDonald's racist outburst.

It's reported in today's News of the World that Trevor McDonald - in his new show to be shown this evening - refers to the deceased comic Bernard Manning as a 'fat white bastard.'
Apart from this small reference in the NOtW (which isn't on their website) i can't find any reference to it anywhere!
Imagine the uproar if someone referred to McDonald as a black bastard, they'd never work again!
Contrast this with that silly posh cow off Big Brother who said the word nigger without malice while trying to ingratiate herself with a couple of ethnics off the show.
It was featured on every news headline for the following 48 hours, she was thrown off the show within hours and had the likes of Trevor Phillips devoting acres of newspaper space to what a vicious person she was.
Like tolerance it's a one way street.
As usual it's one set of standards for us and one for them.


Anonymous said...

Another one who lives off of us but secretly hates us. Its about time our country woke up to the fact we owe these people nothing. But yet they still look at us with contempt. I bet all blacks wish their were no white people in the world. Then they could go back to their mud huts and hunting one another to eat

Scottish Skinny White Bastard, " well thats how Trev would see me"

Anonymous said...

Trev McDonald, a black man who is so proud he has to adopt a Scottish name.

Whats wrong with a black name?

Secretly all black people wish they were white and all whites who mix with them are short sited.

I remember a couple of years ago watching a TV program about a black man and his white wife going back to Africa to live his roots. After a week the white women and the half caste kids and the black husband were all wanting to get back to the white mans land.

So much for equality.

When white people understand what is going on and expel all foreign aliens from their lands, all traitors must go with them.

Reality check will soon follow.